Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 686 686.5 Gathered Chaos Crystal of Caishen, the Auction Continues!

Chapter 686. 686. Five-Colored Divine Chaos Crystal Acquired, The Auction Continues!

"This person looks very unfamiliar. Could it be that he is a newcomer?"

The woman in the audience looked at Long Fei who was asking the price, thinking in her heart, and then asked: "This disciple, according to the rules of our auction palace, we need you to cooperate with our asset verification!"

"It's the clown's real ability, and it will be revealed soon!"

After hearing this, the person in the room above suddenly groaned and sat down slowly.

The eyes of everyone below also surrendered to Long Fei.

"Junior brother, I advise you to admit your mistake quickly, and you can be punished lightly. If you wait until it is found out that you don't have this asset, you will be miserable!" The fellow disciples on the side persuaded.

After all, it's also a game of the same school, although I haven't seen it.

But from the looks of it, looking at this strange look, it should be a newcomer disciple without a doubt.

After all, Hong Huo was by his side.

Honghuo and the others have also met a few times, so they can be regarded as acquaintances.

"Thank you for your advice, but I'm really not shouting, junior, I really have such assets!"

Long Fei smiled slightly, and as he spoke, he waved his hand directly, and densely scattered dots of chaotic golden things floated in the sky.

There are ten thousand pieces!

This is God Mixed Coin!

Seeing this scene, everyone on the spot was stunned.

"It turned out to be true!"

At first everyone thought it was fake.
"Fuck, this kid is such a rich man, why is he still sitting in the ordinary seat below?!"

The people in the rooms above stared and complained.

"This shit is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"


Hong Huo at Long Fei's side also stared, and spit out two quintessential words.

I even murmured in my heart: Is this newcomer so rich?

"Everyone, is it okay now?! If no one raises the price, then I will accept this piece of Five-Colored Divine Chaos Crystal with a smile!"

Long Fei spoke to the audience, and made a gesture to show his modesty and politeness.

Seeing this scene, the popularity above gritted his teeth.

"No problem, then let's start the auction normally!" The woman smiled, stretched her body a little, then looked up and said.

Everyone sat down, and the scene returned to silence.

The woman opened her mouth and said: "Five-colored chaotic crystal, is there a higher bid for [-] soul coins?"

When the woman's voice echoed throughout the studio, the feedback was that no one continued to quote, so she directly shouted: "Five-Colored God Chaos Crystal, [-] gods mix once! [-] gods mix twice! [-] gods Mixed coins last time!"


Following the woman's last voice, an ancient Sanskrit bell sounded throughout the auction palace.

"Let's congratulate this junior for bidding the first item this time with [-] mixed coins, the five-colored chaotic crystal!"

"This is also a good start for us this time!"

With a wave of the woman's pure white jade hand, the five-color chaotic crystals in the sky flew directly towards Long Fei, and at the same time a woman came to his side and said respectfully: "Hello, son, please put the ten thousand gods mixed coins On this plate."

Long Fei took a look at the five-color God Chaos Crystal, and put it directly into the system warehouse. Then, with a wave of his hand, he moved all the [-] God Mixed Coins floating in the sky into the woman's plate.

The woman left the place with it.

At this time, Hong Huo leaned over to his ear, and asked via sound transmission: "Junior Brother Long, what is your identity, so rich? Did you really just ascend from the lower realm?"

With so much money, he really had to doubt whether Long Feifeisheng's identity was true or not.

Or maybe this guy has been flying up for a long time and has been going out to play?

But how to explain this practice?

This is already a contradiction.

Long Fei smiled. Naturally, he would not tell him that this was the information he had just obtained from the system. He just replied: "I got it by chance."

After hearing this, Hong Huo also rolled his eyes, and it's fine if he doesn't want to say it. This answer clearly means he doesn't want to say it.

Since the other party didn't want to talk, he wisely stopped asking.

In his opinion, Long Fei's mixed currency of all gods has already emptied his family.

After all, this is God's mixed currency, not the currency of the lower realm.

This is condensed with the air of chaos, and it is impossible to condense it under the god-level plane, because the rules cannot allow it.

The level of the plane cannot bear this kind of chaotic cause and effect.

Below, with the end of the first lot, the second lot appeared while the woman was waving.

This is a creature in the form of a monster that shrinks like a toy.

As soon as he came out, it made the whole audience boil.

"This is!"

"I can't be mistaken! This is the Primordial Demonic Wolf!"

"I didn't expect that this time the auction house would actually have a monster of the Hongmeng level as the auction item!"

"No, this is not the Primordial Demonic Wolf, but the wolf core of the Primordial Demonic Wolf!"


Seeing that many people in the field shouted one after another.

This lively atmosphere made the woman very satisfied.

Then she said lightly: "That's right, everyone, this second lot is the wolf core of the Primordial Demonic Wolf. This is a demonic beast of the Primordial Species that our seniors from Tuoyu Holy Land went out to hunt and kill in the endless outland not long ago. Its level in life is at least at the junior level of the universe!"

"Huanyu Junior!"

Many of the people present were from the Guihun realm, including Huanyu, but even when they heard the woman's words, they still took a deep breath.

After all, monsters are born stronger than other races at the same level.

"Hongmeng Demonic Wolf!" Long Fei stared straight at the thing floating in the sky in front of him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a wolf core.

"System, does this wolf core have a huge power, and it's still at the junior level of Huanyu!" Long Fei was extremely excited.

If this is bought back and absorbed, then his level may really be able to quickly step into the Great Perfection of Guihun and then advance to the realm of the universe!

"Yes, the host can consider taking pictures and going back to retreat to absorb!" The answer given by the system made Long Fei extremely happy.

But Hong Huo at the side said: "Junior Brother Long, you don't want to make an idea of ​​this Primordial Devil Wolf Wolf Core, do you? This is very expensive, and he is in the realm of the universe, you can't afford to bid!" He already shook his head.

It's not that he looked down on Long Fei, he was shocked by the scene just now, but in his opinion, Long Fei has everything. Now this is impossible, after all, there are other people.

"It's okay, I have money!" Long Fei said with a grin.


After hearing this, the corner of Honghuo's mouth twitched, and he reminded: "Its starting price may be as low as [-] to [-] mixed coins."

"We all know, I can't wait to mark the price!"

At this moment, someone shouted from above.

"Okay, then let's start this auction!"

"The starting price is [-] gods mixed coins! Each bid must not be lower than [-] gods mixed coins! The auction begins!!"

The woman's voice resounded throughout the auction palace, and everyone gasped.

The reserve price of the second lot alone has reached [-] mixed coins, which is no longer something poor people like them can participate in.

Their money can only wait for the auction to go to the auction site to see if they can miss it.

But watching a play is also good.

At least witnessed this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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