Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1037 Nangong Yao ran away from home 3

Chapter 1037 Nangong Yao ran away from home 3
Everyone in the restaurant looked at the little girl in Nangong Yao's arms with admiration. How old is this kid? It's a genius to be able to tell such a long list of truths at such a young age!
Nangong Yao was sweating profusely after listening to Xiaoguai's words, this little devil really knows how to speak.

"Little boy, you are right, mother can't starve mother's baby!" Nangong Yao touched Xiaoguai's cheek in distress, and said.

"Then what are we waiting for? It's too smelly here, so I don't want to eat it! This roadside stall feels like it's delicious!" Xiaoguai said impatiently.

"Let's go! Then what are we still doing here!" Nangong Yao smiled, and took Xiao Guai's little hand to get out of the restaurant.

But, how could Hong Jialing let Nangong Yao and the others leave?
"Stop!" Hong Jialing yelled loudly, letting her guards stop Nangong Yao and the others.

Looking at the two guards blocking her way, Nangong Yao could only feel helpless, it seemed that this girl would not let them go.

That being the case, they cannot be blamed.

"Do you think you can leave here just because of you?" Hong Jialing asked Nangong Yao angrily.

Nangong Yao rolled her eyes and said, "Why not? Did you build this road? If you did it, then I'll pay for it. I won't say more, but I'm afraid you don't know when this road is built. What is it, yes, it may be a pig in the previous life!"

"Mother, mother, I don't think it should be a pig. I feel that pigs are insulted!" Xiaoguai quickly retorted.

"Then what is it?" Nangong Yao blinked suspiciously and asked Xiao Guai.

"Xiao Gua thinks, it should be the dog's tail grass!" Xiao Gua immediately said proudly, "Xiao Gua guessed, absolutely right!"

"That's right, why didn't I think of it, my son is the smartest!" Nangong Yao pampered Xiaoguai's cheek, and recently found that Xiaoguai's mouth is getting more and more powerful.

"Whose child is this!"

"That's right, what a genius!"

"Such a articulate child, if it were mine, I would definitely love it to death!"


No matter whether it was outside the restaurant or inside the restaurant, they all watched this good show, they all looked at Nangong Yao enviously, and at the same time looked at Xiaoguai dotingly.

Hong Jialing's entire face was flushed with anger, and she stared wide-eyed at the large group of people watching the show.

"You...You catch them for Miss Ben, and Miss Ben must teach them a lesson!" Hong Jialing ordered her subordinates angrily.

"Yes, Miss!" It's no wonder that Nangong Yao's appearance is so ordinary and beautiful, but those subordinates hesitated a little before rushing towards Nangong Yao.

Xiaoguai immediately stood in front of Nangong Yao, sneered, and said contemptuously, "Hmph, you dare to pay attention to mother and Xiaoguai, this time, you are dead!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoguai took the initiative to rush towards those subordinates.

In just a few blinks, everyone looked in disbelief at the person who fell on the ground and howled, it was the guard brought by Hong Jialing.

this?How can it be?After all, these two guards are also masters of the Emperor!How could he be defeated by Xiaoguai so quickly?

This is so unbelievable that they all feel that they are dreaming.

Xiaoguai looked at the person lying on the ground, and ran towards Nangong Yao proudly, "Mother! Xiaoguai is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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