Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1038 Nangong Yao ran away from home 4

Chapter 1038 Nangong Yao ran away from home 4
"Xiaoguai, you are really good, did you hurt?" Nangong Yao knelt down and asked Xiaoguai with concern.

Xiaoguai immediately shook her head, comforting Nangong Yao, "No, Xiaoguai was not hurt!"

"Why not? You used your fists. Let mother take a look at your hands. Look, the back of your hands is a little red. It must be very painful!" Nangong Yao said in a distressed manner, "It must be painful, really Yes, this group of people wanted to die, and even beat Xiaoguai's hands red!"

It wasn't until Nangong Yao finished speaking that no matter where she was, there were waves of figures vomiting blood.

It turned out that what Nangong Yao was worried about was not this, but Xiaoguai's hands!Or is it painful for Xiaoguai to hit their hands?
Nangong Yao stood up, and reprimanded Hong Jialing dissatisfiedly, "Ms. Hong, although you are very angry, you can't take it out on a child, can you? Look at you, my son's cute little hands are covered by your subordinates." Get red!"

Immediately, the jaws of all those watching the show dropped all the way, and their eyeballs almost popped out. How did this become Nangong Yao's complaint?
Hong Jialing was so angry that she was speechless, and she couldn't believe that the subordinates of the Emperor's master she brought were beaten to the ground by a kid like this, and they were still bloody.

And now Nangong Yao is suing her again, where is this going?

Nangong Yao was silent for a moment, then said again, "I won't talk to you anymore, you give some money, pay some compensation, Xiaoguai's medical expenses, and mental damage expenses, and maybe Xiaoguai's hand is not It’s hurting your muscles and bones, so let’s figure it out... There must be 200 million! Hurry up and take it out!"

"Damn, you're killing people!" Hong Jialing seemed to have forgotten her position, and when she heard that Nangong Yao wanted 200 million from herself, she instantly went crazy.

"200 million is still a [-]% discount for you!" Nangong Yao said dissatisfied, "After all, Xiao Guai said some bad things earlier, so it can be regarded as a little mental damage fee for you!"

"You, you, you..." Hong Jialing pointed at Nangong Yao with trembling hands, her chest heaved continuously, and finally she couldn't get angry, she rolled her eyes, and Hong Jialing fell to the ground in anger.

Seeing Hong Jialing fainted on the ground, Hong Jialing's maid hurriedly called out, "Miss! What's wrong with you? Miss?"

Nangong Yao looked at Hong Jialing who had fainted on the ground, and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

I didn't expect this woman to be so calm and fainted so quickly. Who is going with the 200 million?

"Really, is my 200 million lost just like that?" Nangong Yao immediately said dissatisfied, "You can't just refuse to change your debt just because you fainted!"

Now Nangong Yao is a little worried about the 200 million, whether she can get it back, she will definitely deny it when she wakes up, this is troublesome!
"Mother, then write a receipt!" Xiaoguai immediately reminded her kindly.

"That's right, darling, go and write it!" Nangong Yao waved her hand and said.

"Okay, mother!" Xiaoguai immediately asked for a pen and paper from the shopkeeper, "Uncle shopkeeper, do you have any banknotes?"

"Yes!" The shopkeeper nodded quickly, and handed the banknotes to Xiaoguai.

"Thank you, Uncle Shopkeeper!" Xiaoguai thanked very obediently, and then lay on the table struggling with how to write, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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