Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1041 Nangong Yao ran away from home 7

Chapter 1041 Nangong Yao ran away from home 7
Nangong Wenbin knew that Nangong Yao and the others had come to the sphere of influence of the Dongfang family, so he also followed.

After finally coming to a city, take a rest, have some food, and continue to look for Nangong Yao.

"Hey, it's finally here, why are Yao'er and the others so fast!"

"That's right! You're so good at running!"

"This is not a pregnant woman at all! Can a pregnant woman be so fast?"

"A pregnant woman and a child have yet to catch up! How embarrassing!"


Nangong Wenbin and the others sat at the table helplessly, complaining about each other.

At this time, Nangong Wenbin and others heard a discussion.

"The one at noon was really wonderful!"

"That's right, this Hong Jialing was raped by a brat!"

"I think their mother and son are a perfect pair!"

"This kid is so cute, handsome and smart! I've never seen such a cute baby before!"

"Who is this kid? Who are they?"

"We don't know either. I just heard that woman call her son Xiaoguai. I think it must be smart!"

"Hahaha... That's right, this little boy doesn't accompany him at all, he's just a mother and son with a black belly!"


When they heard that the child was called Xiaoguai, the Nangong family all paid attention.

Nangong Bo asked Nangong Wenbin curiously, "Grandpa, do you think the little girl they are talking about is Yao'er's child?"

"Yes, from what they said, it's not impossible!" Nangong He nodded slightly and said.

"He'er, go and ask first!" Nangong Wenbin nodded and ordered.

"Yes, Grandpa!" Nangonghe nodded and walked towards those who were discussing.

"Everyone, what happened to the mother and son you mentioned just now?" Nangong He asked them curiously.

"You don't know that, do you? You must have missed the show! Let's talk to you!"

"That's right, it's definitely a good show, I've never had such a good show before!"

A group of people were scrambling to talk to Nangong and them about Nangong Yao and the others, while Nangong Wenbin and the others listened carefully to every word they said, wondering if the person they were talking about was Nangong Yao's mother and son.

Liu Guan stroked his long beard and said, "I think it must be Ms. Yao and the others!"

"Well, Xiaoguai has always been an eccentric, and so is Yao'er. The mother and son together, this Hong Jialing should have been punished by them!" Nangong Bo nodded in agreement and said analytically.

"And, according to their description, it should be that Yao'er changed her appearance a little bit!"

"Then they should still be in this city?"

"How about we stop eating and go to Yao'er and the others first?"


Liu Guan was silent for a moment and said, "I don't think they will leave for the time being. They will definitely go to Hong's house with this debt. Let's go to Hong's house and wait for the rabbit!"

"Senior Liu, will Yao'er really go?" Everyone asked Liu Guan in doubt.

Liu Guan nodded slightly, and said, "We should go back! However, unless we are one step late!"

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Nangong Fei said impatiently.

It is unimaginable to listen to these people like this, but it is more enjoyable to listen to Nangong Yao and the others themselves, how did they cheat Hong Jialing.

(End of this chapter)

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