Chapter 1042
"Okay, let's go first, but do you know where the Hong family is?" Nangong Wenbin nodded and asked Nangong and them.

"Eh..." Nangong and the others looked at each other.

Nangong Fei said hesitantly, "I just heard that the Hong family is in the next city!"

"Let's ask first!"

At the moment Nangong Wenbin and others walked into the restaurant, Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai also walked into the gate of Hong's house.

"Who are you!" The guards of the Hong family at the door reached out to block the way of Nangong Yao's mother and son.

Xiaoguai immediately replaced Nangong Yao and said, "We are here to find Hong Jialing's father! Hong Jialing owes Xiaoguai and mother money, and we are here to demand debt!"

"Debt!" Hearing this, the two guards were immediately depressed and confused. No one had ever come to their Hong's house to ask for debt.

"Yes, here is a handprint, which is your lady's handprint, and there is her blood on it!" Nangong Yao explained very carefully, and took out the handprint to show to the guard, "This is Miss Hong Jialing's bloody handprint. !"

"Oh, by the way, this is a personal item that Xiaoguai asked for from your lady!" Xiaoguai obediently took out a jade pendant that he accidentally "taken" from Hong Jialing and showed it to the guard.

How could the two guards not recognize Hong Jialing's jade pendant, which was worn by Hong Jialing all the time!People like them standing at the door have seen it often.

It seemed that what they said was true, which made the two guards even more confused.

When did Hong Jialing owe a debt to her ass outside?Although they didn't see the two words after 2000 million, seeing the figure of 2000 million was enough to shock them.

Even if it was 2000 million silver coins, it would be [-] gold coins in conversion!This is their salary for nearly two years!

"Okay, two, I will take you in and report to the Patriarch!"

Nangong Yao nodded in satisfaction. These two guards are pretty smart.

Nangong Yao followed the two guards to the hall of Hong's house. The maid served them tea politely, but they didn't know how to drink it.

But the guard hurriedly reported to Hong Jialing's father, Hong De, the head of the Hong family.

"What? You came here to ask for a debt?" Hearing the guard's report, he blushed suddenly. When did Hong Jialing owe debts outside?

Hong De questioned the guard in disbelief, "You idiots, you say she owes her debts!"

"But... But they have Miss's jade pendant in their hands. The subordinates recognize it. It is worn by Miss. As for whether it is true, the Patriarch can verify it himself!" The guard quickly explained.

Alas, really, who told Hong Jialing to owe debts outside, the creditor would not even believe the owner when he came to the door.

Their Hong family is a big family after all, and this time they can climb up to the Dongfang family. If Hong Jialing married, she would be the wife of the young master. If Dongfang Yi takes over the position of the patriarch, she would be the wife of the patriarch of the Dongfang family. Not ordinary!

Hong De pondered for a moment, this matter is big or small, he stood up quickly, "You take me there!"

He wanted to see who Hong Jialing owed money to, and she dared to go to the Hong family to ask for the debt. She was quite courageous, if it was just an ordinary person, she wouldn't mind killing one or two!

(End of this chapter)

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