Chapter 1043
Hong De sat on the main seat and kept looking at Nangong Yao. This appearance is still an ordinary beauty, at least similar to his daughter Hong Jialing, slightly better.

This temperament, it looks really good, where did this mother and child come from?And this little boy actually saw the aura of the superiors, who are they?

Nangong Yao coughed, and said, "This must be Hong Jialing's father, the head of the Hong family, Hong De, right?"

"That's right!" Hong De nodded.

"Patriarch Hong, it's like this. Miss Hong Jialing owed money to our mother and son before, but this Miss Hong Jialing has been reneging on the debt all the time. In the end, we couldn't ask Miss Hong Jialing anymore, so we had to come to Patriarch Hong to ask for it." Money!" Nangong Yao said regretfully, "I didn't expect the dignified Hong family to renege on such a small amount of money, it's really sad!"

Hong De's entire face turned red, he was scolding the Hong family around the corner!
"That's right, Xiaoguai won't fail to pay back the money, and now the interest is already a lot!" Xiaoguai said dissatisfiedly, "Little boy is still staring at the money to marry a wife!"

Nangong Yao turned her head and gave the little boy a blank look, wishing she could step forward and give this little brat a head-scratcher, why wait for the money to marry a wife!
But Hong De was startled by Xiaoguai's words, this brat is marrying a wife?The speed is too fast, right?

Nangong Yao smiled and said, "Patriarch Hong, the Hong family is a big family anyway! Don't you want to renege on your debt?"

"Hmph, my Hong family is definitely not the kind of reckless person!" Hong De said angrily.

Nangong Yao nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, Patriarch Hong, thank you so much, this is the written receipt owed by Miss Hong that day!"

"Bring it here!" Hong De said to the guards beside him.

Nangong Yao stopped immediately and said, "Hey, no way, Patriarch Hong, for safety's sake, I'd better put this with me first, so I can see it this way! I'm afraid Patriarch Hong will destroy this document because of anger!"

After hearing Nangong Yao's words, Hong De blushed with anger, and even said that he did not keep his word.

At this time, the guards beside Hong De paid more attention to the evidence that Nangong Yao took out. Looking at the numbers on it, he immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.

People who didn't know thought he owed money.

Seeing his guard fainted, Hong De kicked the guard away angrily. He turned to look at Nangong Yao, but at this moment he was attracted by the note in Nangong Yao's hand.

"2000 million?" "Spar?" Hong Deqi, who was originally angry, didn't know where to go.

Hong De thought that he had hallucinations in front of his eyes, or that there was something wrong with his eyes, so he kept rubbing his eyes.

"Patriarch Hong, have you seen clearly?" Nangong Yao smiled and asked Hong De.

Hong De was dumbfounded when he looked at the five large characters, is this possible!

"2000 million spars? Why don't you grab them!" Hong De shouted at Nangong Yao angrily.

Nangong Yao said embarrassingly, "Oh, originally I only wanted 200 million, but because Ms. Hong wanted to deny it at the time, she passed out directly, and then I asked Xiaoguai to do it for me, but I didn't know but I made a typo. Use this one, after all, Xiaoguai is the one who suffers, and Miss Hong didn't say anything, just pressed her fingerprint!"

In her heart, Nangong Yao still believed that this little boy did it on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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