Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1099 Ye Liwen's Arrival 3

Chapter 1099 Ye Liwen's Arrival 3
Nangong Yao slowly opened her eyes, looked at the unfamiliar room, and then turned her head to look at her bedside, where Xiaoguai was lying peacefully asleep on the bedside.

"Little boy!" Nangong Yao smiled, and reached out to stroke Xiaoguai's head.

Xiaoguai felt that someone was touching him, but when she raised her head, she saw Nangong Yao looking at her with a smile, "Mother!"

"Little boy, why are you sleeping here?" Nangong Yao asked with concern.

"Xiaoguai was worried about mother, so Xiaoguai stayed by Mother's side, mother, is there any pain for you?" Xiaoguai hurriedly asked Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao shook her head slightly, comforting Xiaoguai, "It's okay, don't worry!"

"Mother, do you know how worried Xiaoguai is?" Xiaoguai looked at Nangong Yao aggrieved.

"Yes, mother made Xiaoguai worry, mother will apologize to you!" Nangong Yao smiled and sat up, holding Xiaoguai in her arms.

Xiaoguai hugged Nangong Yao's neck happily, and kissed her cheek, "Mother, kiss Xiaoguai too! Give Xiaoguai a reward!"

"Is it a reward just for a kiss?" Nangong Yao asked Xiaoguai with a smile.

Xiaoguai immediately nodded, "Enenen!"

"Little ghost head!" Nangong Yao smiled and kissed the little boy, and hugged the little boy tightly, really afraid that she might not see her precious son!

Nangong Yao lowered her head and touched her still swollen belly, she was slightly relieved, luckily the child is fine.

"Mother, do you know? Everyone is so worried about you. If it wasn't for having a bad uncle, Xiaoguai wouldn't be able to see you!" Xiaoguai said reproachfully, "I can't let Xiaoguai worry about you anymore!"

"Okay, mother knows!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and asked Xiaoguai, "You mean uncle, do you mean Liu Qingfeng?"

"Well, yes! The bad uncle is always outside!" Xiaoguai nodded and said.

Nangong Yao quickly pushed Xiao Guai, "Little Guai, you go down first, mother wants to see him!"

"Oh!" Xiaoguai nodded, and helped Nangong Yao to find Liu Qingfeng.

Nangong Yao walked out of the room and looked up when she saw Liu Qingfeng sitting alone on the opposite roof, thinking.

Xiaoguai yelled at Liu Qingfeng, "Bad uncle, mother is awake, mother wants to talk to you!"

Liu Qingfeng turned his head when he heard Xiaoguai's cry, and saw Nangong Yao standing at the door, "Yao'er!"

Nangong Yao watched Liu Qingfeng fall towards her, "Qingfeng!"

"Yao'er, you're awake, are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Liu Qingfeng asked Nangong Yao with concern.

Nangong Yao shook her head slightly, comforting, "I'm fine! Qingfeng, thank you so much this time! Without you, my child and I would have died!"

"You don't have to say that, this is what I should have, and I shouldn't have left you, and you won't be in such danger!" Liu Qingfeng said guiltily, "Don't worry, before you go to God Realm, I will Will be with you!"

"Qingfeng, that's not what I meant. I know my love, but I really just regard you as my elder brother. The only person I like is Hao. He is the only husband in my life!" Nangong Yao lowered her head. Touching her swollen belly, she said, "There is also our child, Qingfeng, you can also get your happiness, I know, there are people who like you, for example..."

"She's not!" Liu Qingfeng immediately retorted, "She and I are not what you think at all, I... the only person I love is you, really, and Ye Liwen was an accident, really. It's just an accident, I don't like her at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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