Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1100 Ye Liwen's Arrival 4

Chapter 1100 Ye Liwen's Arrival 4
"Ye Liwen?" Nangong Yao looked at Liu Qingfeng and nodded slightly. Xuanyuan Hao had told her before, but she didn't mention her name.

"Qingfeng, I think you can give it a try and accept it, you don't have to choose me!" Nangong Yao comforted Liu Qingfeng.

Liu Qingfeng smiled, and asked Nangong Yao back, with a hint of anticipation in her dark and deep eyes, "You asked me to try to accept her, what about you? Are you willing to try to accept me?"

"I..." Nangong Yao hesitated and lowered her head slightly, but she couldn't give an answer because it was impossible.

Liu Qingfeng smiled wryly, and said, "Isn't it? You can't accept it, so you don't have to worry about me. I will handle my affairs by myself! Yao'er, go back and rest, your body is still very weak , the most important thing is rest!"

"Qingfeng!" Nangong Yao raised her head to stop Liu Qingfeng, but she didn't expect him to have disappeared.

The little girl puffed her mouth in dissatisfaction, "Mother, let's go in and rest!"

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and just as she was about to turn around, a figure flew behind her.

"Little Junior Sister!"

When Nangong Yao heard the call, she turned her head and looked suspiciously at a stunning woman who landed in her small courtyard, and looked at herself, "May I ask who you are?"

"Ye Liwen!" Ye Liwen put her hands on her belly, "You should remember me, right?"

Listening to Ye Liwen's self-introduction, Nangong Yao was startled. Is she the Ye Liwen that Liu Qingfeng said?Shouldn't it be in the God Realm?Why are you here?

However, looking at Ye Liwen's appearance, she was only slightly inferior to her, so it should be.

"Why are you here?" Nangong Yao looked at Ye Liwen suspiciously and asked.

"Junior Sister, it really hurts your feelings to ask this. I heard that you were injured, so of course I came here to see you!" Ye Liwen smiled and said.

Nangong Yao was secretly depressed, she didn't remember this Ye Liwen, she came to see her?Who would believe it!

If I didn't guess wrong, she should have come here for Qingfeng.

"As for Qingfeng, he just went out!" Nangong Yao said hastily.

"Junior sister, I didn't come here for Qingfeng, I came here for you. I want to see you. Don't you ask me to sit down?" Ye Liwen smiled and asked Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao shook her head with a smile, and quickly stepped aside to get out of the way, "Of course not, I was injured a little, so I need to rest and rest, I can't stay with you for too long, let's go in and have a seat!"

"Okay, it won't be too long. I just want to ask you how your life is going!" Ye Liwen smiled and said nonchalantly, "However, looking at your face is not bad, it should be almost the same!"

"Just woke up!" Nangong Yao said lightly, thinking to herself, why is Ye Liwen appearing in front of her now? Is it just because she wants to know her situation?Is it really not for the sake of the breeze?
"You are still the same as before, no wonder Qingfeng is so obsessed!" Ye Liwen looked at Nangong Yao enviously and said, "No matter what I do, he will turn a blind eye! Even if we are husband and wife, he is not willing to admit it , I really don’t know why I don’t like him!”

The corner of Nangong Yao's mouth twitched slightly, could it be because she lost her memory to tell herself these things?What's the use of telling yourself this?Obviously the person I like is Xuanyuan Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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