Chapter 475
Everyone guessed in confusion and astonishment about the strange Tai Chi circle in front of them.

Tai Chi circled and flew out of the tip of the sword, flew into the sky, and landed on top of Zhang Jianing's head to stop.

Zhang Jianing looked up at Taiji Yuanzhuan above his head, feeling puzzled. Suddenly, Taiji Yuanzhuan fell from the air and passed through Zhang Jianing's body.

Zhang Jianing was wondering why he didn't feel anything at all?Is this just for show?
Except for Zhang Jianing who thought so, almost everyone present thought so, wondering what Lan Yao was doing.

Zhang Jianing stood on the spot, looked at his hands, and laughed triumphantly, "Hahaha... Lan Yao, what kind of trick is this, it's useless at all!"

In Zhang Jianing's mind, what Lan Yao did before was nothing but fancy.

"Really? This is just the beginning, the next thing is the most important!" Lan Yao showed a playful smile, the smile stopped in an instant, and there was another soft voice, "Dongxue... ..." "You want to beat me, hmph, don't even look at... huh?"

Seeing Lan Yao making a move, Zhang Jianing wanted to do it himself, but suddenly found that he couldn't move at all, his hands and feet couldn't move at all.

For a moment, Zhang Jianing felt flustered in his heart, but with countless enemies, he immediately understood.

Zhang Jianing thought of the Tai Chi circle performed by Lan Yao just now, it must be because of this reason that he couldn't move.

He really didn't expect that Tai Chi Yuanzhuan would have such a heaven-defying function.

After thinking about all this, Zhang Jianing immediately mobilized his internal force to resist.

Looking at Lan Yao who was about to make a move in the ring, but Zhang Jianing did not move at all, everyone was puzzled and anxious for Zhang Jianing.

"What's going on here?"

"Why is Zhang Jianing not moving?"

"Hurry up and make a move, if you don't make a move, Lan Yao's attack will come up!"

"You idiot, what are you doing up there, you don't move!"

"Could it be because of Lan Yao's inexplicable figure that he can't move? No way?"


Looking at Zhang Jianing on the ring, a group of people kept yelling at him, and they were extremely anxious. Some bet on Zhang Jianing, and they were all very anxious at the moment.

There was a gust of winter wind blowing on the arena, and it was bitingly cold.

"Snowflakes kill!" Lan Yao held the soul-chasing sword, and turned her wrist. The soul-chasing sword gradually led the light band to form a circle, and the center of the circle was shining with milky silver light. As the voice fell, snowflakes flew out of the halo, rushing straight towards Zhang Jianing who was opposite.

The fluttering snowflakes approached Zhang Jianing, and instantly turned into hidden weapons, spinning and passing Zhang Jianing quickly.

"Shuashuashua..." Snowflakes streaked across Zhang Jianing's body, and in the blink of an eye, bloodstains appeared all over Zhang Jianing's body.

This situation immediately caused everyone to stop screaming and cheering, and secretly wondered in their hearts, what is going on?

Why did Zhang Jianing remain motionless?When Lan Yao's attack arrived, Zhang Jianing was still facing him, and he was already injured.

Many people unconsciously scolded Zhang Jianing secretly in their hearts, but they didn't fight back.

If Zhang Jianing knew it, he would definitely yell wronged. He didn't know what was wrong with him. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but that he couldn't move his body at all, he couldn't move at all!

(End of this chapter)

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