Chapter 476
In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jianing's whole body was scratched, blood was flowing, and the green clothes all over his body were dyed red.

Seeing that Zhang Jianing was injured, the people of Qinglong Kingdom screamed.

"Zhang Jianing, fight back quickly!"

"You idiot, fight back quickly, do you want to die?"

"If you want to admit defeat, quickly admit defeat, don't lose face standing in the ring!"

"Zhang Jianing, do you know what you are doing? Hurry up!"


No matter how everyone shouted, Zhang Jianing couldn't move at all.

Li Qingfeng touched his chin with a smile, then turned to look at Hai Jun beside him, "Brother Hai, what kind of trick did Lan Yao use, do you know? Why is it so powerful?"

"That's right, Zhang Jianing didn't move at all. Could it be that he really didn't want to make a move?" Tian Wenjin asked with a smile.

Meng Donghang shook his head slightly, looking at the expression on Zhang Jianing's face, "I think Zhang Jianing can't move even if he wants to. What happened?"

"Hehehe, this is one of Lan Yao's unique moves, take your time!" Hai Jun grinned proudly and showed off to Li Qingfeng and others.

After hearing Haijun's words, a group of people immediately rolled their eyes in contempt, and secretly scolded Haijun as a bastard.

Hearing the yelling and cursing from the people around, Zhang Jianing was immediately furious. Being scolded by so many people was really unbearable.

Zhang Jianing moved the fingers of both hands, and instantly clenched his fists, "Ah!" With a loud cry, the whole body was full of energy, shaking away all the power that controlled his movements.

"Black Dragon Explosion!" After all the restrictions on Zhang Jianing were lifted, he couldn't wait to attack Lan Yao with his unique move.

It is impossible for Lan Yao not to be angry under such control, so Zhang Jianing used [-]% of his strength to attack Lan Yao with his unique move.

"Lan Yao!"

"Yao'er!" Seeing Zhang Jianing's [-]% Wu Zun's middle-rank strength, which was close to Wu Zun's top-rank trick, everyone jumped up from their seats.

Hai Jun, Lan Jinling, Ouyang Yu and the others looked anxiously at Lan Yao on the ring.

Xiaoguai also jumped up anxiously, shouting, "Mother!"

Both Han Feilong and Liu Yiqun frowned, they didn't react as much as others.

Back then, Lan Yao was able to survive under the hands of Chen Zhen's family, this time the trick should not cause her any trouble, but it was a lie to say that she was not worried, both of them stopped breathing and looked at Lan Yao on the ring.

The black light was so bewitching that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

After all, in front of Lan Yao, everyone's heartbeats seemed to stop at this moment, and they also stopped breathing.

Lan Yao looked up at the powerful energy, frowned, and snorted coldly, "It's impossible to think that you can defeat me with just this one move!"

There was also a ray of light blooming from Lan Yao's body, which disappeared into the darkness.

With a sound of "Boom!", there was a deafening bombing sound from the entire arena, and the entire arena seemed to be shaking.

In an instant, apart from the bombing, there was no other sound in the entire competition venue.

"Yao'er!" Lan Jinling rushed to the fifth ring anxiously, shouting anxiously.

Hai Junyi and Ouyang Yu rushed to the bottom of the ring, both extremely worried.

The eight masters of the four countries all stood up from their seats, watching the situation on the ring anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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