Chapter 478
The dust gradually dissipated, and in an instant, everyone stopped breathing, staring at the handsome figure on the ring with wide eyes in disbelief.

Throughout the playing field, "Huh..." Except for the sound of the wind, no sound could be heard.

The screaming voice gradually faded away, as if even the breathing and heartbeat had stopped.

Almost everyone has the same look in their eyes, such as surprise, disbelief, disbelief and so on.

what did they seeHe almost forgot to rub his eyes, and stared intently at the figure on the ring.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Liu Qingfeng's mouth, and sure enough, Lan Yao did not let herself down.

With Lan Yao's talent for leapfrogging challenges and the treasures on her body, how could Zhang Jianing fall for her?
Although he was still sweating for Lan Yao before, he still believed that nothing would happen to Lan Yao, so he didn't help. With Lan Yao's personality, if he knew that he would help, he would definitely be angry with him.

"Lan Yao...are you okay?"

I don't know who broke the silence, and everyone gradually came back to their senses.

"Oh my god, Lan Yao is fine!"

"No way? Such a powerful force can't do anything to her? How is this possible!"

"I am the second Olympic, I am the second Olympic... Isn't this Lan Yao too perverted?"

"This is Wu Zun Zhongpin's ultimate move, Lan Yao is still alive?"

"No! Not only alive, but also unscathed! My God, there is nothing wrong with my eyes?"

"Why do I feel that Lan Yao looks even more handsome? She doesn't look embarrassed at all!"


Once again, there was another bombardment-like cry from the entire venue, screaming in disbelief.

They couldn't believe that Lan Yao was safe and sound, and could appear in front of them so elegantly after being attacked by Zhang Jianing.

Li Qingfeng and the others also opened their mouths wide and looked at Lan Yao with wide eyes in disbelief.

This has completely subverted the normal theory in their minds, which is simply too unrealistic.

There are people who are surprised, and of course there are people who are excited, and Humphrey is one of the most excited.

"Yeah... My good apprentice, my dear apprentice, you are indeed my proud disciple of Han Feilong! You are so good, master loves you to death!" Han Feilong almost forgot his own image, jumping excitedly screaming.

Hearing Han Feilong's idiot-like cry, Liu Yiqun unconsciously moved to the side, far away from him, then his eyes were erratic, and he said to himself, "I don't know him! I don't know him..."

Han Feilong was proud, but Wang Kehui and the others were upset. They didn't expect Lan Yao to appear in the ring safe and sound. Could it be that Zhang Jianing's blow just now didn't hurt Lan Yao at all?Or, did Zhang Jianing's blow just now look powerful but actually wasn't that great?
No matter how they guessed, they couldn't get along. As a result, what the hell is going on.

Seeing Han Feilong so dazed, he was so happy that he seemed to forget his identity and dance like a child. This is a thousand years old, and he did such a shameful thing, which really embarrasses their masters.

Lan Yao turned her head and stroked her chin, facing Zhang Jianing who couldn't recover. At this moment, he seemed to be intimidated by her "perversion".

At this time, Lan Yao really felt a little sympathetic to Zhang Jianing. Because he was fighting against him, would he be scared into an idiot and crazy because he was too perverted? Not to be scary.

(End of this chapter)

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