Chapter 479
Lan Jinling and the other three on the edge of the ring were visibly relieved to see Lan Yao safely appearing in front of their eyes, with a smile on their faces, fortunately, Lan Yao was fine.

Lan Yao turned her head, blinked her eyes at Lan Jinling and the others, with a mischievous look on her face.

Seeing Lan Yao making faces at them, the three of Lan Jinling looked at each other, and could only shake their heads helplessly, feeling helpless in their hearts.

However, for them, as long as Lan Yao is safe and sound, it is the best to stand on it intact, but they did not expect that not only did Lan Yao not die, but she was not injured at all, and she looked far more handsome than when she was in the ring .

"This Yao'er, really! It's so naughty! It made us so worried!" Lan Jinling shook her head helplessly. Blame means.

Hai Jun also nodded in agreement, and after knowing that Lan Yao was all right, he put his hands on his chest in relief, "This Lan Yao, we must be worried about her! She is still a child after all!"

Ouyang Yu didn't speak, but quietly looked up at the "tall" figure on the ring. In his heart, Lan Yao had become an irreplaceable existence in his life.

Lan Yao smiled and jumped in front of Zhang Jianing, shaking her hands in front of his eyes, looking at his wandering eyes, she could only shake her head sympathetically.

"Let me say it first, it's not my fault, it's your heart problem, I told you earlier, don't regret it! But you don't listen, I didn't mean to scare you into a crazy person!" Blue Yao explained to Zhang Jianing with an innocent face, feeling helpless in her heart, did she really mean it, who made Zhang Jianing so weak?
Zhang Jianing felt completely different than those who just watched the game. He knew how powerful the unique move he made was, but Lan Yao appeared in front of him intact. How could he not overthrow the confidence in his heart? Know.

Therefore, the moment Zhang Jianing saw Lan Yao's elegant figure appearing in his eyes, Zhang Jianing had turned into an ice sculpture gorgeously.

"Hey, since you don't want to answer what I said, then I can't help it. I just want to ask you. If you are willing to admit defeat automatically, we don't have to fight anymore, lest I bully the big with my little one!" Lan Yao Said with a very fair face.

Looking at Zhang Jianing who didn't react at all, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Lan Yao's mouth.

Lan Yao immediately said "talking to herself", "I've made an agreement with you, you can't be angry! Since you don't want to compete anymore, then I won't accompany you anymore, just obediently admit defeat, I Well, I won’t play with you anymore!”

Seeing Lan Yao facing the weathered Zhang Jianing on the ring, everyone's mouths twitched, this Lan Yao is really good at taking advantage of others.

However, Zhang Jianing probably won't be able to recover for a while, so why don't you take advantage of this time to let him admit defeat and wait until he regains consciousness?Isn't that bad for yourself?In the end, everyone could only smile helplessly.

"Crack, clap..." Lan Yao slapped Zhang Jianing flying into the arena, clapped his hands and laughed, "Okay, the competition is over! Ring No. [-], Lan Yao wins and enters the finals! Yay..."

"Bang bang bang..." Looking at Lan Yao's cute appearance, he made a "V" gesture with his hands, and his face was full of excitement, causing a group of people to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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