Chapter 480
The final list has come out, because Lan Jinling and Zhan Yun's points are tied, so the final list has eleven.

Yuan Cheng, Lan Jinling and Lan Yao from Qilin Kingdom, Zhan Yun and Yu Xiaohua from Qinglong Kingdom, Xu Liwei and Yang Xiang from Suzaku Kingdom, Li Xing and Zhuang Wenbo from White Tiger Kingdom, Ma Lichun and Li Yidi from Xuanwu Kingdom.

The entire preliminaries are over, and the announcement of the final list has also come to an end, and there is a new round of competition.

And because of the perversion of Lan Yao and Lan Jinling before, everyone was frustrated.

After the competition, Lan Yao and Lan Jinling took Ouyang Yu, Hai Jun, Liu Qingfeng, Xiaoguai, and the students from Qilin Kingdom to the restaurant for a drink together to celebrate.

Except for Liu Qingfeng and Xiaoguai, a group of people looked at Lan Yao curiously, and wanted to ask why Lan Yao was safe and sound, which really made them wonder.

After taking a bite of the food, Lan Yao saw that everyone was looking at her with the same eyes, and said helplessly, "Do you really want to know why I am standing in the ring intact, right?"

"Shu shua shua..." The group of people nodded together as if they had been trained, and looked at Lan Yao expectantly, hoping that she could tell them the reason.

Lan Yao looked at their eyes, smiled secretly in her heart, turned slightly sideways, and whispered, "Secret..."

"Cut!" A group of people waved their hands in displeasure and shouted.

Hai Jun still couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, pulled Lan Yao and asked, "Lan Yao, tell me quickly, how did you do it?"

"Want to know?" Lan Yao touched her chin and asked with a wicked smile.

"Enenen!" Haijun immediately nodded without hesitation.

Lan Yao thought for a while, and said regretfully, "It's a familiar saying that money is hard to buy!"

Listening to Lan Yao's words, everyone rolled their eyes in contempt, and secretly retorted in their hearts, there is no such sentence at all, money is hard to buy and a good heart is almost the same!

Of course, Lan Yao didn't care about these people's thoughts, and continued, "Since everyone is so familiar, how about asking a question and giving me a gold coin? It's a good deal!"

"A gold coin?" Suddenly, there was a scream from the whole box, "You robbed!"

In this aspect, gold coins are relatively precious, and one thousand silver coins can be exchanged for one gold coin, which is still a big deal for some people!
Lan Yao rolled her eyes, and said contemptuously, "Where am I robbing you! I already gave you a discount, yes, it's more than [-]% off. I originally asked for a thousand gold coins. See how nice I am to you guys." !"

"Pfft..." Liu Qingfeng couldn't help it when he heard Lan Yao's words, and spit out the last drink, feeling embarrassed, "Yes... I'm sorry, I couldn't control it for a while!"

"It's true of you, isn't it just a gold coin? You can go to the gambling shop and bet casually later, and you can get a lot!" Lan Yao said even more contemptuously, and pointed out by the way.

"That's right!" Everyone nodded knowingly.

"Okay, if you want to ask, just ask!" Lan Yao said generously, crossing her arms.

"Lan Yao, what kind of cultivation level are you? Are you really the only low-rank Wu Zong? How can you have the strength to resist Zhang Jianing's attack?" Hai Jun immediately asked Lan Yao three questions.

(End of this chapter)

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