Chapter 481
Lan Yao raised her chin, turned her head to one side, stretched out her hand, and slightly hooked her fingers.

Needless to say, Hai Jun also understood what it meant, and put a gold coin on Lan Yao's body with great heartache.

Lan Yao looked at her palm, and said very unkindly, "Brother Hai, you are too cheating, you asked three questions and only gave one gold coin, are you being too stingy!"

A group of people looked at Lan Yao with twitching corners of their mouths, why are they so fussy?
Hai Jun took out two more gold coins, and slapped them on Lan Yao's hands in displeasure, "You're ruthless!"

Lan Yao smiled, bit the gold coin like a little money fan, and nodded, "It's true!"

"Of course it's true!" Hai Jun suppressed the huge waves in his heart, and shouted at Lan Yao, "Hurry up!"

"Oh, then I'll answer it!" Lan Yao nodded slightly, stretched out her finger, and explained, "The first question, my cultivation level is Wu Zong's inferior! The second question, I really only have Wu Zong Inferior! The third question is that I have the strength to withstand Zhang Jianing's attack!"

When Lan Yao finished answering all the questions, there seemed to be a gust of cold wind blowing through the room, everyone shivered, blinked their eyes, and looked at Lan Yao in astonishment, "It's over?"

Lan Yao nodded slightly, and said as a matter of course, "Yes, it's over, didn't I answer truthfully?"

"You..." Hai Jun was so angry that he didn't know what to say, "You didn't answer the third question clearly!"

"Exactly!" Another group of people nodded their heads.

Lan Yao said very righteously, "Brother Hai, I don't think I didn't answer clearly, you asked me "How do you have the strength to resist Zhang Jianing's attack?" "My answer was, "I just have the strength to withstand Zhang Jianing's attack!" "Didn't I answer clearly?"

The corners of the mouths of a group of people twitched violently again, even with Liu Qingfeng. Only Xiaoguai scratched his head, not knowing what happened.

Lan Jinling smiled, and took out a gold coin to Lan Yao, "Yao'er, what strength did you use to block Zhang Jianing's attack?"

"A weapon!" Lan Yao touched the gold coin and said calmly.

"What weapon?" A group of people asked in unison.

Lan Yao stretched out both hands, "Bring it!"

It was Lan Jinling who made the move, and put a gold coin in Lan Yao's palm, but Lan Yao didn't take it back.

"Lan Yao, tell me quickly!" Luo Tongjie couldn't bear it any longer, and reminded Lan Yao.

"You also asked, so, you also bring it!" Lan Yao rolled her eyes and said with a natural expression.

A group of people looked at Lan Yao in astonishment, "Is this also counted?"

Lan Yao nodded solemnly again, and said, "Well, that's okay, bring them quickly, all of them are like women, mothers-in-law and mothers, why are they more women than me, do you know the speed? Hurry up! suDu ! Bring it!"

Lan Yao watched a group of people reluctantly take out the gold coins from her body, but still looked at the gold coins in her hands with a look of reluctance, before she could react, Lan Yao's hand stretched out and snatched them away.

All of a sudden, Lan Yao got more than a dozen gold coins, which is quite proud.

Seeing Lan Yao's proud appearance, everyone gritted their teeth and warned Lan Yao, "Hurry up! What kind of weapon is it!"

"I don't know what kind of weapon this is, anyway, I just used it! I didn't expect it to be so powerful!" Lan Yao spread her hands and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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