Chapter 559
Nangong Yao covered her mouth with a sneer, and said, "Trash, hehehe... This guy is really too stupid to call Senior Brother Yuan a trash. I really don't know how his eyes grow!"

She expressed that she looked forward to seeing how surprised this guy would be when he knew Yuan Cheng's cultivation!
"He's stupid, it's only natural that he doesn't have eyes!" Xuanyuan Hao said with a smile.

"Well, that's right!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, looking at the ring expectantly, Yuan Zhijie will definitely look good after a while.

Yuan Cheng said lightly, "Yuan Zhijie, hurry up if you want to compare, I'm in a hurry!"

Listening to Yuan Cheng's words was very indifferent, but to Yuan Zhijie it was a mockery and an insult to him.

"Hmph, is that so? Then I will defeat you in the blink of an eye! Let you know what it means to be ignorant!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Zhijie rushed towards Yuan Cheng, raised his fist, and punched Yuan Cheng in the face.

Yuan Cheng opened his hands and leaned back to avoid Yuan Zhijie's punch. At this moment, Yuan Cheng put one hand on the ground and kicked Yuan Zhijie's arm with his right foot.

Yuan Zhijie was caught off guard for a moment, and was kicked in the arm by Yuan Cheng. He took a step back and stared at Yuan Cheng angrily.

Yuan Cheng smiled slightly, and slapped his hands on the ground. He flew up into the air, his hands turned into shadowless fists, and rushed towards Yuan Zhijie.

"Bang bang bang..." Yuan Zhijie quickly responded with both hands, but his body kept moving backwards, his brows furrowed.

Yuan Zhijie still couldn't believe it, and secretly vetoed it in his heart, "Impossible, it's absolutely impossible! How could Yuan Cheng be so powerful? Could it be that, as uncles and the others said, he already has a cultivation base of the Xuan level?"

Last night, Yuan De and others reminded Yuan Zhijie that Yuan Cheng already had a cultivation base of the Xuan rank, but Yuan Zhijie didn't believe it. How old is Yuan Cheng? How could it be the Xuan rank?So, he didn't believe it, he still believed it, Yuan Cheng was still that idiot.

However, now Yuan Zhijie has to believe that Yuan Cheng is really a master of the Xuan rank, but how is this possible?
Yuan Cheng flexed his muscles and a haughty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He entered the battle completely forgetting that he was once bullied by Yuan Zhijie.

"Hoo hoo..." Yuan Cheng clenched his fists, waved them, and rushed towards Yuan Zhijie.

Seeing Yuan Cheng attacking, Yuan Zhijie came back to his senses and quickly blocked Yuan Cheng's attack, feeling very upset in his heart, "Yuan Cheng, you want to defeat me, just dream!"

Seeing Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhijie fighting in the arena, everyone in the Yuan family was astonished.

"Is this Yuan Cheng?"

"The legendary trash Yuan Cheng?"

"No way? No matter how you look at it, you look like a master!"

"A master, an absolute master, a mysterious master!"

"No way? A mysterious master in his twenties?"

"My God! It's real! Is it really that Yuan Cheng?"

"When I saw him more than ten years ago, I was still a child. I didn't expect that he has grown so big now!"

"It's amazing!"


Seeing everything Yuan Cheng showed on the ring stage shocked everyone.

No matter how you look at it, Yuan Cheng, who can't fight Yuan Zhijie in the ring now, is the current master Yuan Cheng.

Every move and style of Yuan Cheng is full of powerful power, full of power between heaven and earth, so he must be a master of the mysterious level.

(End of this chapter)

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