Chapter 560
"Hush..." The long whip in Yuan Cheng's hand was flying in the air.

Yuan Zhijie waved the long sword in his hand, and the blades of the swords went straight to Yuan Cheng.

"Bang bang bang..." In an instant, the entire arena was filled with light, shining in everyone's eyes.

"Oh my god, this person Yuan Cheng?"

"Isn't it? Could it be Yuan Cheng who broke through the mysterious level on the Great Rift Valley before? Yuan Cheng, one of the geniuses of Qilin Kingdom?"

If it was in the past, it would definitely be said to be the genius of Qilin Kingdom, but not now, with Lan Jinling and Lan Zuoyi now, Yuan Cheng can only be said to be the third, although it is said to be the third, but it is not comparable to them of.

In an instant, everyone understood that Yuan Cheng who challenged the Yuan family turned out to be the genius Yuan Cheng from Qilin Kingdom.

"Yuan Cheng? The Yuan family? Could it be that Yuan Cheng belongs to the Yuan family?"

"No way? Yuan Cheng belongs to Qinglong Kingdom? Impossible?"

"How could it be from the Qinglong Kingdom? Why did the Qinglong Kingdom go to the Qilin Kingdom and become geniuses there!"

"Probably not! But, why did Yuan Cheng come to the Yuan family to challenge again?"

"Don't you know? Yuan Cheng is the patriarch of the Yuan family, Yuan Biao, who accidentally had a relationship with a girl from a collateral branch of the Yuan family, and then gave birth to an illegitimate child!"

"Bastard child? No way?"

"No wonder, so it makes sense!"

"It must be Yuan Cheng who came back to seek justice for himself!"


Looking at Yuan Cheng on the ring, everyone looked at Yuan Cheng with sympathy and envy.

Sympathy is that Yuan Cheng is actually the illegitimate son of the Yuan family, and envy is that Yuan Cheng was not recognized by the Yuan family, but was adopted by the academy of Qilin Kingdom, and became a genius spiritual practitioner. How can this not make them envious? This is a big turnaround ah.

Today, Yuan Cheng succeeded and came back to seek revenge from the Yuan family.

Nangong Yan smiled with her arms crossed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. With Yuan Cheng's cultivation and talent, he would definitely be able to destroy Yuan Zhijie.

"Magnetic magnetic..." Yuan Cheng's Liuyun whip was entangled with Yuan Zhijie's long sword, and the two stood on both sides, looking at each other.

Yuan Zhijie cursed secretly in his heart, Yuan Cheng was ten years younger than himself, but he didn't expect that he would break through the Profound Rank earlier than himself, at only 24 years old, this was really unacceptable to him.

How can an illegitimate child compare to his direct son?He is the young patriarch of the Yuan family!Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!
The talent shown by Yuan Cheng made Yuan Zhijie jealous, and he began to lose his balance.

Seeing Yuan Zhijie's hands and feet start to mess up, Yuan Cheng secretly smiled, and immediately took the opportunity to attack Yuan Zhijie.

Everyone in the Yuan family looked at Yuan Cheng who was fighting Yuan Zhijie in the arena in astonishment.

People of the older generation knew of Yuan Cheng's existence and his situation, but seeing Yuan Cheng again today cheered them up.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Cheng had this talent. He had broken through to the Xuan level at the age of 24. This was beyond their reach, and he began to regret it a little.

"Yuan Cheng, I didn't expect that among the younger generation, his talent is the best, but I didn't expect that the Yuan family didn't cherish it and lost this talented disciple!"

"No matter what, Yuan Cheng must not be allowed to live in another place!"

"Are you still wanting Yuan Cheng to stay in your wishful thinking? It's really cheeky. We laughed at Yuan Cheng back then, how could he still stay in Yuan's house!"

"Even if you don't stay in Yuan's house, so what? Are you going to let Yuan Cheng outside? I absolutely don't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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