Chapter 563
"Hmph, it's up to you! You are not ashamed to speak out!" Yuan Biao only felt that he had been insulted, and angrily cursed at Liu Qingfeng, "Since you don't know how to live or die, don't blame me for being rude!"

Liu Qingfeng folded his hands on his chest, with a mocking smile on his handsome face, and said lazily, "Okay, I really want to see how you are rude!"

Yuen Biao was very angry that Liu Qingfeng despised him so much.

Although I feel that Liu Qingfeng's cultivation is unusual, but looking at his age, I still can't believe that he can easily defeat himself.

Yuan Cheng stepped off the ring, Nangong Yao walked up, and asked with concern, "Brother Yuan, are you alright?"

"It's okay!" Yuan Cheng nodded slightly, with a bit of struggle in his eyes.

"The matter is a foregone conclusion. What's more, Yuan Zhijie wanted to kill you. You killed him just to save yourself. If you don't kill him, you will die!" Nangong Yao explained softly to Yuan Cheng, I hope he doesn't overthink it.

Yuan Cheng nodded slightly, looked at Nangong Yao with a smile, "I see, thank you, Junior Sister!"

"It should!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, "That's right, let's watch the game!"

"Yeah!" Yuan Cheng nodded, and sat with Nangong Yao, looking at Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Biao on the ring, while Yuan Zhijie had already been carried down by the Yuan family.

Yuan Biao's whole body burst out with spiritual energy, full of strong killing intent.

There was a relaxed smile on the corner of Liu Qingfeng's mouth, and he didn't care about Yuen Biao's full vigilance at all.

"What's wrong with this man?"

"That's right, Yuen Biao is about to kill him, why is he acting so relaxed!"

"Yes, this young man is really pitiful!"

"I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dare to challenge Yuen Biao! I hope I don't die too badly!"


Looking at Liu Qingfeng on the ring and his youthful appearance, everyone didn't believe that he could win, because they had never heard of Liu Qingfeng being such a master at the peak of Xuanzun.

To have such a youthful appearance, in this first plane, even if they break through to Xuanzun, they must catch Zhuyan Dan to express their appearance. This is all possible for them, so , Humphrey and other talents are able to maintain a youthful appearance.

Seeing such a lazy Liu Qingfeng, Yuen Biao felt that this was an insult to him, and rushed towards him angrily.

"Boy! Sue!" Yuan Biao shouted, and started attacking Liu Qingfeng.

Liu Qingfeng reached out and patted his mouth, and yawned, "Ah!"

"Slap!" Liu Qingfeng casually slapped Yuen Biao's head, causing Yuen Biao to lie down on the ground, sinking into the ground of the ring.

In an instant, the sound of the entire Martial arts field was silent for an instant, and there was no sound at all. Could there be a sound of birds singing and wind blowing from all around.

Everyone's eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, watching everything that happened in the ring, it was just a blink of an eye.

They all stared wide-eyed at how Liu Qingfeng dealt with Yuen Biao, but they didn't expect such a result, which was really unacceptable to them, and immediately silenced their throats, unable to utter a single word. Can't cry out.

Except for Nangong Yao and Xuanyuan Hao, no, there is also a little boy, everyone has a look of disbelief, Yuan Cheng is no exception, he stares at the ring with big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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