Chapter 564
"What's the matter?"

"What happened just now?"

"My eyes must be hallucinating! Yes, it must be!"

"Oh my god, can't it? This is really too unbelievable!"

"This... is this a competition? Is there such a disparity in strength?"

"Yuan Biao is also a master of the Xuan rank after all, so he was shot to death with such a shot?"

"No way? No, I'm going to faint!"


The entire Martial Arts Field was silent for a long time, not knowing who was the first to yell, and in an instant, the entire Martial Arts Field was filled with unbelievable words, unable to believe what happened before them.

The members of the Yuan family were even more silent. Those who were silent could no longer be silent. They blinked their eyes and looked at Yuan Biao who was motionless and embedded in the ring.

"a slap?"

"You defeated Yuen Biao with just one slap?"

"No way? Is this fake?"

"What the hell is going on? What happened?"

"Oh my god, there must be something wrong with my eyes, and the Patriarch was beaten up just like that?"


Nangong Yao touched her nose, and looked at Liu Qingfeng with a bit of embarrassment, this guy is just restless, he must scare these people to death.

Liu Qingfeng stretched his waist, looked at Yuen Biao on the ground and waved his hands, "Oh, I'm bored, go back and chat with Yao'er!"

After winning the game, Liu Qingfeng immediately ran to Nangong Yao to show off.

Yuan Cheng looked at Liu Qingfeng and asked, "Did you beat him to death?"

"Well, almost, he will be useless from now on!" Liu Qingfeng said with a smile.

Although it was just a slap just now, it had already broken up all of Yuen Biao's cultivation, just like a cripple.

Yuen Biao looked at the comatose Yuen Biao on the ring, and didn't say anything. After all, this man was his father, and he was related by blood. If Yuen Biao died at this time, it might bring trouble to him.

Nangong Yao glared at Liu Qingfeng dissatisfied, "Can't you fight well?"

Liu Qingfeng suddenly felt innocent, "I've already beaten him well, who made that guy want to beat him! Yao'er, I really didn't mean it!"

"You..." Nangong Yao pointed at Liu Qingfeng, not knowing what to say.

The members of the Yuan family rushed to the ring anxiously to check on Yuan Biao's condition.

Although Yuen Biao didn't die, he was almost dead. Without his cultivation base, the Patriarch's position would definitely be gone. A cultivator whose cultivation base has been abolished is worse than ordinary people.

Thinking of Liu Qingfeng's attack just now, all members of the Yuan family shuddered and looked at Nangong Yao and the others in disbelief.

In just the blink of an eye, Yuen Biao lost, and he lost for no apparent reason. He lost so thoroughly that even the Yuan family couldn't believe it.

"Is that the end?"

The people in the Martial Arts Field are not only members of the Yuan family, but other casual cultivators are just here to watch the show, but looking at the scene in front of them, it is still unacceptable, a game is over like this, this speed is too fast ?
After all, Yuan Biao was also a peak Xuanshi, how could it be possible that he lost so quickly?

Everyone looked at Liu Qingfeng in astonishment, their eyes full of reverence.

In their cognition, apart from the peak Xuanzun, there is no other master who can "slap Yuen Biao to death" with a single slap.

(End of this chapter)

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