Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 581: The Little Girl Without Henna Visits the Spring Tower 5

Chapter 581: The Little Girl Without Henna Visits the Spring Tower 5
Nangong Yao reached out and touched Wuhen's head, comforting, "It's okay, let's talk!"

"I...Master, it's not fun, not fun at all!" Wuhen immediately shook his head, not knowing how to answer Nangong Yao's words.

Suddenly, the storm came, the dark clouds gathered, and there was a burst of thunder that resounded through the sky and the earth.

Nangong Yao yelled into Wuhen's ear angrily, her voice was like thunder, "It's not fun, but you are so brave, you actually brought my little boy to this place of fireworks, a place full of smog!"

Being yelled at by Nangong Yao, Wuhen felt his ears ringing, and saw many stars above his head.

The lion's roar, no, it is definitely more terrifying than the lion's roar, ah my ears!
Wuhen didn't dare to shout out, otherwise, he would die even worse, and could only swallow his grievances in his stomach.

Nangong Yao continued to yell in Wuhen's ear, "Animals are animals, they don't even think about their lower body, be careful of AIDS, and you will never be able to touch women! Damn it, my old lady is here

The outsiders are worried about you, but you are playing so hard here!I'm furious! "

Wuhen had the urge to faint, but I'm afraid Nangong Yaobi would faint for him!Oh, why am I so unlucky?There is such a master on the stall.

Listening to Nangong Yao's roar upstairs, Xiaoguai shrank her neck and shivered in fear. She had never seen her mother so angry, nor had she seen her so scared.

"Mother..." Xiaoguai murmured in fear. She never thought that her mother was a hidden female devil.

Xuanyuan Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead, heaved a sigh of relief, and murmured, "Huh, luckily it's not me!"

Nangong Yao grabbed Wuhen and walked towards the little boy upstairs angrily.

Seeing Nangong Yao's roar like a lion's roar, the whole Baihualou people were stunned, and the group of people seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to do.

Seeing Nangong Yao walking upstairs with Wuhen in her hand, they all obediently gave way to a small path for her to go up, all looking at her with fear in their eyes.

Nangong Yao didn't take a step, she felt the beating of drums beating everyone's heart, "Bang bang bang..."

Xiao Guai stood aggrieved at the stairs, lowered her head, poked her little fingers at each other, tears swirled in her eyes, as if they were about to fall.

Nangong Yao walked up the stairs, just on the same level as Xiaoguai, and threw Wuhen in her hand into the corridor.

"Oops!" Wuhen cried out in pain, but he didn't dare to cry out.

"Little boy!" Nangong Yao softly called Xiaoguai again.

Xiao Guai tugged at her sleeve, put it in her mouth and bit it, looked at Nangong Yao with teary eyes, and cried "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " .

"Don't pretend to be pitiful to me, this matter is endless!" Nangong Yao pointed at Xiaoguai angrily, and said threateningly.

Coming to this smoky place of fireworks at such a young age is simply a shame. If you don't educate yourself well, what will you do in the future?At that time, he will definitely become a playboy, a pervert, how can this be possible.

Nangong Yao would never let her son become one of those annoying people.

(End of this chapter)

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