Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 582: The Little Girl Without Henna Visits the Spring Tower 6

Chapter 582: The Little Girl Without Henna Visits the Spring Tower 6
Nangong Yao picked up Xiaoguai and slapped Xiaoguai on the buttocks.

"Papapa" several slaps echoed throughout Baihualou, and the sound was very loud and crisp.

Because of the pain in her buttocks, Xiaoguai burst into tears, "Mother, it hurts, stop beating, Xiaoguai hurts so much, Mother..."

Seeing Nangong Yao's fierce actions, Wuhen took a few steps back, turned his head and saw that it was the end, and could no longer retreat.

"Let you come to this kind of place! If you don't learn well at such a young age, learn this!" Nangong Yao cursed angrily while spanking Xiaoguai's buttocks, not listening to his cries at all.Xiaoguai covered her eyes with both hands, and wiped her tears, "Woooooo... Xiaoguai knows it's wrong! Xiaoguai knows it's wrong!"

Seeing Xiaoguai's appearance, Xuanyuan Hao ran up quickly, stopped Nangong Yao's hand, hugged Xiaoguai from her arms, and persuaded, "Yao'er, don't be angry! It’s just that the belt is broken, Xiaoguai is so young and ignorant!”

Although Xuanyuan Hao, who has never been a loving father, couldn't help but go up to help Xiaoguai at this time.

Nangong Yao gave Xuanyuan Hao a hard look, "Why are you joining in the fun at this time! I'm educating the children!"

Xuanyuan Hao comforted Nangong Yao with an innocent face, "Yao'er, don't be angry, I didn't do this on purpose, but this is not a place to teach children, is it?"

Listening to Xuanyuan Hao's words, she glanced around, sure enough, the eyes of a large group of people all fell on them, making Nangong Yao feel awkward.

Although Nangong Yao was very reluctant, she still couldn't let so many people see the matter of admonishing her children.

"Wuhen, come here!" Nangong Yao angrily ordered Wuhen who was looking at her in fear.

Wuhen shook his tail, and walked towards Nangong Yao in small steps.

Nangong Yao yelled again, "Hurry up, dawdle!"

Looking at Wuhen who was threatened by Nangong Yao, Xuanyuan Hao could only shake his head sympathetically.

Nangong Yao walked forward angrily, now Xuanyuan Hao didn't dare to say a word to her.

Xuanyuan Hao kicked Wuhen lightly, and warned, "See if you dare in the future!"

Wuhen lowered his head innocently, why is it that the unlucky person... no, it's always me who is a monster!
Of course, the madam of Baihualou couldn't just ignore Wuhen and Xiaoguai's messing around, it was a huge loss.

"Stop!" The bustard angrily held the embroidered handkerchief in her hand, pointed at Nangong Yao and the others and shouted.

Nangong Yao, who was delivering the goods at this time, turned her head coldly, "Who are you talking about?"

Looking at Nangong Yao's menacing and murderous eyes, the madam took a step back and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but the Baihua Building has been made like this, and there are so many breaks on the stairs, whether it is to repair the Baihua Building or The loss of the girls is a lot of money, so we can't just forget it.

"You guys are making a lot of noise here, shouldn't you lose money?" The madam walked up to Nangong Yao, angrily accusing her.

Wuhen glared fiercely at the madam, this old hag, at what time is she asking for money from them, is she desperate?I didn't see that the master was already burning with anger!Really, don't harm the fish in the pond!

Xuanyuan Hao patted the little boy who was crying on his shoulder, and walked to Nangong Yao's side, he didn't know whether he should pay the money or give him a hard lesson and leave, he didn't dare to make a decision casually.

(End of this chapter)

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