Chapter 585
It was a coincidence that he met Nangong Yao, and it was a coincidence that he met Nangong Yao who was burning with anger today, so he could only be considered unlucky.

Xuanyuan Hao also looked at this guy with sympathy.

That's okay, if Nangong Yao gets angry, the anger in her heart will be much less!

"Do you know who this young master is? You dare to treat this young master like air, you want to die!" The young man suddenly shouted at Nangong Yao and the others angrily.

Listening to Nangong Yao and Xuanyuan Hao's words, it was as if he was nothing, how could he tolerate it?

Nangong Yao turned her head and stared at Xuanyuan Hao viciously, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again, and she asked mockingly, "I don't know what this young master's name is?"

"This young master is the young master of the Fang family, Fang Da!" Fang Da said flauntingly, pointing at himself with his thumb.

"The Fang family?" Nangong Yao rubbed her chin, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind. It turned out to be a second-rate family in Qinglong Kingdom, and could be considered the management family of this city.

"Hmph, are you scared when you hear my name?" Fang Da flaunted his identity with a face of recklessness, "Little girl, as long as you follow me, I will make you popular, drink, and wear clothes." Silk and satin!"

listen to fonta's arrogance

Nangong Yao immediately burst out laughing, even Wuhen was no exception, lying on the ground and laughing, "Hahaha..."

This Fang Da is really too idiotic, don't know if there is a world beyond the sky, there are heavens and people, and there are people?
Fang Da came back to his senses, looked at Nangong Yao who was laughing loudly, wondering why they were able to laugh, and asked angrily, "What are you laughing at!"

"What are you laughing at?" Nangong Yao cast a contemptuous glance and said, "Laughing at your mental retardation! Idiot!"

Both Wuhen and Xuanyuanhao nodded, agreeing with Nangong Yao's words, absolutely no one is more idiotic and mentally handicapped than him.

Fang Da pointed at Nangong Yao and the others angrily, "Okay, you are fine, today I will teach you a good lesson, and let you know what will happen to those who offend me!"

Xuanyuan Hao secretly smiled inwardly, the Yuan family, a first-rate family in Qinglong Kingdom, didn't care, would they care about a second-rate family like him?What an idiot.

After Fang Da finished speaking, he rushed towards Nangong Yao. Nangong Yao was short of a vent bag, and now someone automatically delivered it to her door, how could she not "thank you"?

Nangong Yao leaned forward, squatted halfway, and landed a punch on her enlarged stomach.

The punch was so powerful that Fang Da opened his mouth and coughed, vomiting out all the gall.

"Ping!" Nangong Yao once again punched Fang Da flying, and landed heavily on the table, "Ping Ping!" She said that she also died with Fang Da's fall.

The girl who was molested by Fonda before grabbed the clothes on her chest with both hands, stood up and looked at Fonda who was lying on the ground crying, feeling very happy, but also a little worried.

Nangong Yao rubbed her fingers, showing a smile, and walked in front of Fang Da, "How is it? Now you know how powerful this girl is?"

Fang Da waited fiercely for Nangong Yao, and was really surprised.

Hearing the voice in the box, many people gathered together. Everyone looked inside the box with great curiosity, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, one of the two people who squeezed to the door screamed, "Second Young Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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