Chapter 586
Yuan Cheng and Rong'er were coming down the stairs when they heard the voice and came over.

But when Rong'er saw the people on the ground, she exclaimed, "Second young master?"

Hearing Rong'er's cry, Yuan Cheng turned to look at Rong'er.

Chatting with Rong'er for so long has not yielded much, because the time is almost up, so I took Rong'er out for dinner and let her breathe, otherwise Xiao Er would have brought the food to the room long ago.

But I didn't expect to encounter this thing when I went down.

Nangong Yao turned her head to look at Yuan Cheng and Rong'er at the door, and she was also puzzled when she heard Rong'er's cry.

Fang Da turned his head and saw Rong'er, his expression was startled, "Rong'er, you...why are you here?"

Nangong Yao walked up to Rong'er and asked curiously, "Miss Rong'er, do you... know him?"

Rong'er glanced at Nangong Yao, lowered her head, nodded slightly, and replied softly, "Yes!"

Nangong Yao turned her head to look at Fang Da, wondering what the relationship between the two was.

"What's your relationship with him?" Nangong Yao asked Rong'er again in doubt.

Fang Da sneered, and said contemptuously, "What's the relationship? What kind of relationship do I have with this lowly maid!"

"I didn't ask you! Shut up!" Nangong Yao looked down at the wood under her feet, and kicked it directly, hitting Fang Da's mouth.

Before, I was a little concerned about the relationship between Fang Da and Rong'er, but now I don't care much.

Fonda's mouth was hit by the wood, and mouthfuls of blood flowed out of the mouth, with several teeth in it.

Nangong Yao turned her head to comfort Rong'er, "Miss Rong'er, since you know this person, you should be someone from the Fang family, right?"

"I...I am..." Rong'er lowered her head, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Fang Da covered his mouth and looked at the teeth in the palm of his hand, cursing angrily inarticulately, "Bitch, I think highly of you, I like your appearance, I don't care what kind of illegitimate daughter you are, and you still have elbows today. Turn outside! Court death!"

"Go to hell!" Nangong Yao punched Fang Da on the forehead angrily, Fang Da's whole body hit the wall, half of his body penetrated the wall.

Wuhen smiled triumphantly, jumped up immediately, shook Fonda's pants, and with a sound of "here", Fonda's pants were taken off all of a sudden.

"Ah!" There was also a coquettish shout from the crowd.

But when Nangong Yao wanted to turn her head, Xuanyuan Hao blocked her, "Don't look! You can't look!"

"Eh..." Nangong Yao gave Xuanyuan Hao a blank look, but she was actually very curious about what happened.

But now I don't want to take care of Fonda anymore, if Wuhen is here, I will definitely teach Fonda a lesson.

"Miss Rong'er, this is not the place to talk, let's talk in the room!" Nangong Yao said to Rong'er with concern.

Rong'er nodded slightly, and entered the room where she used to live with Nangong Yao and the others.

Xuanyuan Hao put Xiaoguai on the bed, covered the quilt carefully, walked to Nangong Yao's side, and put his arms around her waist.

Nangong Yao looked at Rong'er curiously, and asked, "Miss Rong'er, who are you? What's your relationship with the Fang family?"

" mother is a maidservant who gave birth to me after being taken over by the Fang family!" Rong'er lowered her head and said softly.

Nangong Yao looked at Rong'er, smiled and said, "So she is also an illegitimate daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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