Chapter 587
Yuan Cheng also smiled, and comforted Rong'er, "Miss Rong'er, you don't have to feel inferior, and you don't have to worry about what we will do to you. In fact, we are just like you!"

Rong'er raised her head and looked at Yuan Cheng and Nangong Yao suspiciously, "Same?"

"Yeah!" Yuan Cheng nodded slightly, and introduced himself, "I am the illegitimate son of Yuan Biao, the patriarch of the first-class family in Qinglong Kingdom, Yuan Biao. But I was not recognized by my family, so I have been wandering outside, and finally I was rescued by the people of Qilin Kingdom!"

" are also an illegitimate child?" Rong'er looked at Yuan Cheng in disbelief.

Nangong Yao smiled, and said, "Yuan Cheng is, so am I, and I am the illegitimate child of the Lan family, a second-rate family in the Qilin Kingdom.
However, I am better than Senior Brother Yuan. Although my mother was also taken over by him, my father's elder brother and his son treat me like a brother and sister. They have taken good care of me since I was a child. Although I am often bullied by other people, But he was also luckier than Senior Brother Yuan! "

Listening to Nangong Yao and Yuan Cheng's words, Rong'er almost couldn't believe it, "No... no, right?"

"Hehehe... Is this still a lie?" Nangong Yao said with a slight smile.

"But... why can't I see that you seem to be..." Rong'er still looked at Nangong Yao and Yuan Cheng suspiciously, but couldn't tell at all that they seemed to be illegitimate children.

Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and persuaded Rong'er, "Yeah, we don't look like each other, because we have already untied this knot, and Senior Brother Yuan just untied it recently, you can go down and inquire about it. What happened in the Yuan family, I think the whole Qinglong country has already spread, and the status of the first-class family of the Yuan family may also be shaken!"

Although Nangong Yao's tone didn't sound like a lie, and she still knew about the Yuan family's affairs by inquiring on the street, so Rong'er still believed Nangong Yao's words.

However, Rong'er still couldn't believe that the two people in front of her were as sick and sympathetic as she was.

"Miss Rong'er, can you tell us about your affairs now?" Nangong Yao smiled and asked Rong'er.

Rong'er nodded slightly, and first introduced herself, "My name is Fang Rong. Actually... my father is just a side line of the Fang family, and my great-grandfather is an elder. However, my mother is only a maid, so she is not recognized by the eldest lady. Only my grandfather saw that my talent was good, and gave me some cultivation techniques so that I could protect myself."

Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and touched her chin. It seemed that Fang Rong was at home, and she was almost the same as her. She really felt sorry for each other.

"Miss Fang, since everyone has the same status, there is no need to worry about it. If you want to leave Fang's house, I can take you to a place!" Nangong Yao smiled and comforted Fang Rong.

Fang Rong was taken aback for a moment, then said with a bit of frustration, "I...where can I go?"

"You can go to the Qilin Kingdom. I know a few people in the Qilin Kingdom, but have you heard of the Sea King Legion in the Qilin Kingdom?"

Fang Rong nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I've heard a little bit about it, it's one of the five major legions!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly and explained, "You don't know, the young leader of the Sea King Legion was adopted, and his identity is also an illegitimate child like ours, but he is also very cool, if you go Looking for him will definitely make a difference! It's just the legion..."

(End of this chapter)

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