Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 748 Accidentally Disappeared 3

Chapter 748 Accidentally Disappeared 3
"Patriarch, this time you belong to the first level, and the harvest is the best among the four major families!" Nangong Peng said with a somewhat smug tone.

"Oh? The best?" Hearing Nangong Peng's words, everyone in the Nangong family was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Peng could say such a sentence, which really shocked them all.

Nangong He smiled and asked Nangong Peng, "Oh? Elder Peng, what is the best way? Tell me!"

"Yes!" Nangong Peng immediately stood beside Yang Kai, and introduced as if in a military parade, "Here, Yang Kai, the second genius in the alchemy world, has already passed the master-level assessment before he was a hundred years old!"

"Alchemy!" Hearing this, the eyes of several elders in charge of alchemy lit up, and they looked at Yang Kai excitedly.

Yang Kai clasped his hands together, "This junior has met the patriarch!"

Several elders walked up to Yang Kai, touched their chins, and nodded slightly, "Well, it's really good! The mental power is also strong enough. It's not bad for such a master to appear on the first plane!"

Nangong Peng smiled, and continued to introduce, "This is Geng Yafei, the number one genius in the crafting world!"

"Boom!" In an instant, everyone in the hall was stunned.


"real or fake?"

"Alchemy and refining tools are here?"

"No way? The first and second are both here!"


Everyone in the Nangong family looked at Geng Yafei in astonishment, especially the elders who were in charge of refining weapons.

There are all kinds of halls in the big family, and alchemy and equipment are also necessary.

"Junior Geng Yafei, I have met the patriarch and several elders!" Geng Yafei cupped his fists respectfully at the several elders in front of him.

"Well, not bad!" The elder rubbed his chin, "It's a master level of crafting, very good!"

"It's really a good seedling! This time I really got a baby!"

The elders nodded in satisfaction. This time, they really gained a lot. It's a pity that the alchemy world is not number one but number two, which is a bit bad.

Nan Gongpeng introduced again, "This is a few people who participated in the Great Rift Valley competition this year. These two are the 2-year-old Lan Jinling who won the No. 20 and the 3-year-old Yuan Cheng who won the No. 24. They are both from the Qilin Kingdom! "

"No. 2? No. 3?"

"Breakthrough to the Xuan level in your twenties?"

"This is really a genius of the first plane! It's really rare!"

"Well, the attributes are all three to four!"


Looking at Lan Jinling and Yuan Cheng, everyone nodded excitedly, very satisfied.

No wonder Nangong Peng would say that the four major families had the best harvest. Don’t think about it. If the other families are good, they will only get No.1 in the alchemy world and No.1 in the Great Rift Valley competition. They should be separated. to another family.

People in the Nangong family thought so, but they didn't know that this number one was all on Nangong Yao, and they were all in the Nangong family. If they knew, their jaws would drop in surprise.

Nangong Junhua laughed excitedly, "Hahaha, it's true... Our Nangong family's harvest is indeed the best harvested family among the four major families! Hahaha..."

"Yeah yeah!"

"There are all the alchemy worlds in the crafting world, they are all good seedlings, they are all geniuses!"

"If our Nangong family doesn't advance to one level, it's really shameful!"

"Hmm! That's right!"


(End of this chapter)

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