Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 749 Accidentally Disappeared 4

Chapter 749 Accidentally Disappeared 4
The members of the Nangong family nodded slightly, agreeing.

No one expected that such a good seedling would be recruited, and the future would really be bright.

"Elder Peng, you hand them over to the other elders. As for the division, let's talk about it in two days!" Nangong Junhua wanted to know about Nangong Bo's situation, so he immediately ordered Nangong Peng that it was best not to cause any major incidents. , "Several elders, Yang Kai and Geng Yafei, you can go on your own, how you want to divide it, you have the final say, and I can't control it!"

"Thank you, patriarch!" The elders who made alchemy and crafts all looked at Yang Kai and Geng Yafei as if they were treasures, as if they were going to tear them apart in excitement.

"Resign, junior!" Now that Nangong Junhua had been arranged, Yuan Cheng and the others immediately clasped their fists together.

However, Zhan Yun and the others had already turned around to leave, only Lan Jinling remained still.

"Lan Jinling, what's wrong with you?" Nangong He looked at Lan Jinling who seemed to be hesitant in doubt.

Lan Jinling clenched his fists and said to Nangong Junhua, "This junior is worried about my sister, so..."

"Sister?" Everyone looked at Lan Jinling suspiciously.

Nan Gongpeng quickly said, "Patriarch, let him stay first, what we said later has something to do with him!"

"Well, okay!" Nangong Junhua flicked his sleeves, "Everyone else go down, and Lan Jinling will stay!"


Seeing Nangong Yao kneeling on the ground, Nangong Bo quickly supported Nangong Yao, "Yaoer, what's wrong with you?"

Nangong Yao raised her head, her face full of pain, "Cousin... I... the aura in my body is rushing, I... I might break through! It's so painful!"

"You must not suppress, I will take you to a safe place first!" Nangong Bo immediately supported Nangong Yao with one hand, "Give me my little boy!"

Nangong Yao nodded slightly, handed Xiaoguai to Nangong Yao, and leaned on Nangong Bo herself.

Nangong Bo put his arms around Nangong Yao's waist, jumped up, thinking that this kind of place is in the suburbs, let's see where it is first, and break through here if it's safe!Nangong Yao just broke through to the Xuan level, and there was no big movement.

The spiritual energy on the second plane is very strong, and the spiritual energy entered Nangong Yao's body at the beginning, it was just very comfortable, but when there was too much spiritual energy, Nangong Yao couldn't control it and wanted to break through.

Nangong Bo released his consciousness and checked the surroundings. It is considered safe here, there are no monsters, and there is an open space over there. Let's go there first!

After finding the place, Nangong Bo quickly flew over with Nangong Yao, "Yaoer, don't worry, it will be fine soon!"

Nangong Bo put Nangong Yao on the ground and retreated to the side, "Yaoer, it's still safe here, I'll protect you!"

"Okay!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly.

Nangong Yao immediately crossed her legs and began to prepare to break through. The second plane is worthy of being the second plane, with strong aura, and even more domineering impact on the veins of Nangong Yao's whole body.

Nangong Bo sat on the grass beside him, making a breakthrough for Nangong Yao's protection. He looked at the little boy who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and could only shake his head helplessly, "This little devil, when won't you sleep, sleep now!"

Xiaoguai felt his face itchy, shook his little hands, and then rubbed his head into Nangong Bo's arms, changing his position, hoping to sleep more comfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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