Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 759 Was Hunted Down 2

Chapter 759 Was Hunted Down 2
"Roar!" A beast's roar came from Nangong Yao's body, and a powerful wave rushed towards the four men in black.

Hearing the sound of headache and brain cracking, the four men in black hurriedly turned back one by one and took a few steps back.

Wuhen also flew out of Nangong Yao's body, turning into a ray of white light and rushing towards a man in black.

"Ah!" A man in black suddenly screamed.

When the killer of the Beiming family came back to his senses, he saw that the attacked man in black had lost his head and right hand.

Wuhen turned into a three-meter-high white lion, and spit out a human head and right arm, which was the one who attacked the man in black just now.

"Bah, bah, bah... It's so smelly, it makes me sick! What is this! It's so smelly!" Wuhen spat out his saliva in a very humane way, and said disgustedly.

And Nangongyao knew that Wuhen did this on purpose, just to anger the people of Beiming family. Those who are brave enough to assassinate Nangongyao are simply tired of life.

There was a smile on the corner of Nangong Yao's mouth, with a bit of playful intent, "It's really useless, it's too weak to be bitten off so quickly!"

Nangong Bo didn't feel it, he couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and murmured in his heart, this is an earth-level master after all, a master stronger than himself, and he was just so casually treated by Wuhen. Biting off his hand, biting off his neck, it was really unbelievable for him.

As if killing the ground-level master in front of him is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, he is a little suspicious now, what kind of monster is Wuhen in front of him, it should be more than just a mythical beast.

"Hmph, I didn't expect there to be such a good monster. If you catch it back, you will definitely be rewarded!"

Seeing Wuhen's fierce appearance also shocked the members of the Beiming family. They thought it was Wuhen's unexpected move, but it was not so powerful.

Therefore, what they have in their hearts now is to capture Wuhen back to receive the reward. If they get this monster, their status in the Beiming family will rise to another level.

"Wuhen, don't overestimate, eat them!" Nangong Yao ordered to Wuhen very unhappy.

Wuhen sweated profusely, and complained to Nangongyao, "Master, I don't eat people, and these people are so smelly, I feel like throwing up!"

Hearing Wuhen's complaint, Nangong Yao had a dark face, and angrily cursed at Wuhen, "Idiot, stupid pig, who told you to really eat them! I'm so mad! What an idiot!" Enlightened idiot!"

"Master, you can't scold me like that! Didn't I help you? Be careful, I won't help you!" Wuhen curled her lips and said helplessly.

"Okay, since you don't want to help, that's fine. If I have something, let's see how you explain it to Hao and Qingfeng!" Nangong Yao said with a proud smile.

"Okay, master, you are cruel!" Wuhen gritted his teeth, he really couldn't fight a woman, "It's all you, let me lose face, I will kill you first! Roar..."

Standing beside Nangong Yao, Nangong Bo looked at Wuhen's shot in astonishment, it was a thunderous blow, and this speed, this strength, was simply unimaginable, it was too powerful!
Even Nangong Bo couldn't help admiring, this Nangong Yao's monster is really not an ordinary monster, is it a divine beast?Super beast?
(End of this chapter)

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