Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 760 Was Hunted Down 3

Chapter 760 Was Hunted Down 3
Nangong Bo's eyes widened in astonishment, looking at the five killers excluded by the Beiming family. When they met Wuhen at this time, they had all turned into corpses divided by five horses.

Wuhen didn't tear them with their mouths, but with their claws, because they stink too much.

Nangong Yao waved at Wuhen, really, it's like this every time, what's the matter with such a big change, it's intentional to scare people!Do people look up at you?Very sour, do you know that!

Wuhen shook his body, and returned to the same size as Xiaoguai, turning into a cute puppy.

Nangong Yao lowered her head and educated Wuhen, "Wuhen, can you stop getting so tall, my neck is so sore! Look up at you!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L K K K K L I!

Nangong Yao opened her mouth, and said helplessly, "Who made you so tall? It's about the same height as me, at least 1.6 meters by 1.7 meters!"

"Um, well, it won't be so big next time!" Wuhen could only lower his head and say.

"Okay, be good!" Nangong Yao touched Wuhen's head, then turned to call Nangong Bo, "Cousin, look, if Wuhen is here, you don't have to do anything!"

"Eh..." Nangong Bo came back to his senses, and could only touch his nose in embarrassment.

Sure enough, such a master of the earth level, he was actually protected by a magic beast of his cousin who had just broken through the Xuan level. Who would believe this?If I really believe it, I'm afraid I'll laugh my ass off, it's really embarrassing, yes, this matter must not be let the family know, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

"Okay, the Beiming family seems to have taken a fancy to you and Xiaoguai, if they don't get you, I'm afraid they will kill you!" Nangong Bo hurriedly urged Nangong Yao to explain, "Yaoer, let's go quickly !"

"I'm afraid I can't go!" Wuhen said before Nangong Yao could say whether to go or not.

Nangong Bo looked at Wuhen suspiciously, at this moment he still didn't know what Wuhen meant by saying that, "Why can't I go?"

Wuhen turned his head and glanced at the two directions, "Get a feel for it! There are people in both directions. Although there is no murderous look in one direction, there are quite a lot of people coming!"

As soon as Nangong Bo heard it, he immediately felt it with his spiritual sense, but he faintly noticed it, opened his eyes in astonishment and shouted, "Really!"

Nangong Yao was secretly depressed, this Beiming family is really looking for trouble, isn't she trying to provoke him?If the Beiming family is not destroyed, it is really difficult to get along with it.

If the above two people knew about this matter, they would definitely be blinded.

"Then... what should we do!" Nangong Bo immediately asked Wuhen.

Wuhen immediately gave Nangong Yao a blank look, he is a monster, how would I know what to do! "What should I do? Get a wife to keep me company!"

Nangong Yao was suddenly embarrassed, this Wuhen really couldn't forget women at any time, she stretched out her hand and slapped Wuhen on the top of the head, "I tell you to miss women every day!"

"Cousin, we..." Nangong Bo quickly looked at Nangong Yao, now the Beiming family's target is not him but Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai, they absolutely must not make any mistakes.

"Cousin, don't worry, so what if they come? We will deal with it as usual, I think Wuhen should be fine!" Nangong Yao smiled and comforted Nangong Bo.

(End of this chapter)

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