Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 761 Was Hunted Down 4

Chapter 761 Was Hunted Down 4
Wuhen suddenly felt that he had become a thug, so he could only lie on the ground and sleep soundly.

It can be seen that the five killers of the Beiming family just now are just the vanguard, and their army is behind them.

How could Nangong Yao let them get their wish?Yuan Hao also said that with Wuhen in front of him, even the most peak cultivation base would never want to hurt him. For him, such a few people are still a small case!

Before Nangong Bo could speak, there was an aura in the sky, even the aura of heaven.

Nangong Bo gritted his teeth, couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and quickly grabbed Nangong Yao's shoulder, "Yaoer, this is not a joke, you should hide first!"

"I don't want to die, let's die together!" Nangong Yao shook her head, her eyes filled with determination.

Nangong Bo could only shake his head helplessly, he really didn't know what to say about his stubborn cousin, and sighed, "You!"

"Wuhen!" Nangong Yao couldn't make a move while hugging Xiaoguai, so she quickly called Wuhen, and by the way reached out her hand to set up formations within a hundred square meters of the entire mountain forest.

Wuhen opened his mouth, yawned, and stood in the most murderous direction.

A dozen or so black shadows fell from the sky, but this time, they were not dressed in black like the five people just now, but were all dressed in the clothes of the Beiming family.

There is also a leader, Nangong Bo recognized, the clothes he is wearing is an elder of the Beiming family.

In these four major families, the elders are also divided into categories. There are Supreme Elders. These are almost the same as the ancestors, but there are also just a little bit less, and they are just Tianzun.

There are also some elders who have appeared as deacons but do not have such a high level of cultivation as these elders. The nominal elders only have the cultivation level of the emperor, which is one level lower than the patriarch's Tianzong.

Therefore, Nan Gongbo still guessed that this elder only had the cultivation level of the emperor, but in front of Nan Gongbo, he was already very high, and he was simply not something he could deal with.

"Hmph, the members of the Beiming family even came to kill a junior with great fanfare. It's really a feat!" Nangong Yao sneered and said contemptuously.

"Hmph, our Beiming family just brought our juniors here to practice for four weeks. How can we say that we are here to kill you?" The elder, Beiminghe, is Beimingjia's second younger brother. It has also reached the level of the emperor, "Our Beiming family dishes don't bother to do this kind of thing!"

"Oh? Really?" Nangong Yao gave Bei Minghe a blank look, "I think you are the kind of people who deliberately use the name of King Qin. Don't think that people from our first plane are short-sighted and can let you do whatever you want. Bullying!"

"Cousin, stop talking so much nonsense with them!" Nan Gongbo felt a group of people coming from the other side, although he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, it's better to urge this side to finish the matter quickly.

Dealing with one group of people is better than dealing with two groups of people.

Nangong Yao nodded slightly, raised her chin and said to Bei Minghe, "Hey, old guy, if you want to come and kill me, then go ahead and kill me, I don't mind, I will kill you all in one go Woolen cloth!"

"Hmph, Nangong Yao, if you want to blame, I blame you for going against our Beiming family!" Beiminghe snorted coldly and rushed towards Nangongyao.

"Wuhen, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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