Chapter 867
At this time, Bei Mingjun's body moved slightly, he staggered and turned his head to look around.

"Have I come out?" Bei Mingjun was slightly startled, and took a deep breath, "Hmph, it's just a phantom formation, what can trap this young master!"

"Huh..." Zhan Yun put his hands on his chest and whistled, "I didn't expect Bei Mingjun to come out, I thought he couldn't do it!"

"Who says it's not? One less is one!" Hai Jun nodded slightly and said in agreement.

Originally, they also wanted to go for a stroll, but when they heard that Nangong Yao said that they would set up a formation, Zhan Yun immediately stopped his desire to participate in the competition.

It's a joke, if it's a formation again, I don't know if I really have the ability to resist it.

Only Zhan Yun had really tried Nangong Yao's formation once, so he was even more surprised by how powerful Nangong Yao's formation was, and asked Haijun and the others not to participate, or they would die.

"Oh, it's almost time!" Seeing that the incense on the side was gradually burning out, Nangong Yao also handed the little boy in her arms to Nangong Wenbin, and stood up.

"It's almost time!"


"No way, it's just a little bit, and it's not even a hundred!"

"That's right!"

"Is this formation really so difficult to crack?"

"Looks like it is, Nangong Yao is really a veritable formation master!"

"The heirs of the three major families have all come out!"

"This time the competition must be very exciting. I don't know who will actually get Nangong Yao. I'm really looking forward to it!"


Everyone is looking forward to the next game, who will get No.1 and get Nangong Yao.

As time passed, the formation gradually dissipated, and the people in the yellow line gradually woke up, looking around suspiciously.

"Why am I here?"

"Aren't I in a brothel? Why are you here?"

"Is this the phantom array? I didn't expect it to be so powerful, just like the real thing!"

"Illusion Array, Nangong Yao, did you fail so quickly?"

"There are so many beauties in the phantom formation, they are all so real, Nangong Yao's formation is really powerful."


Nangong Yao smiled slightly, the formation had completely disappeared, and said to everyone, "Everyone, be quiet!"

"The array has disappeared, which means that this competition is over. Anyone who has not crossed the yellow line will lose the qualification for the next semi-final!" Nangong Yao looked at the people standing in the area of ​​the array with contempt. Said, "If you can't overcome the temptation, if you can't get out, you are not qualified. No matter how strong your cultivation is, it's useless! If you want to watch the next game, Nangong Yao welcomes you, but if you want to use the power of your family to get in In the semi-finals, if I, Nangong Yao, recognize it, no matter who the family is, even if it is the Dongfang family, even if it is the Ximen family or the Beiming family, as long as he breaks his promise to me, Nangong Yao, I will never let him go, let alone I won't let that family go!"

"Tomorrow will be the second match of the competition to recruit relatives. Before the match tomorrow, we will draw lots to determine our opponents! Everyone who is sitting in the semi-finals area, if you think it is okay, you can go to Elder Peng first to get your name enthroned The family, the contact address, can also facilitate the contact of our Nangong family!"

Nangongpeng, who was named, stood up with a pen in his hand and nodded towards everyone.

"Okay, today's game is over, thank you for your support!"

(End of this chapter)

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