Chapter 868
The first day of martial arts competition and recruiting relatives is finally over, Nangong Yao thought to herself, finally she can settle accounts with Liu Feng.

And Liu Feng seemed to know that his unlucky time was coming, so he quickly sneaked away after the game was over.

Just as Liufeng turned around and was about to leave gently, there was an angry cry, "Liufeng!"

"Eh!" Liu Feng stopped in his tracks, feeling cold sweat all over his body, and turned his head stiffly to look at Nangong Yao behind him.

A smile appeared on the corner of Nangong Yao's mouth, and she looked at Liu Feng with her hands on her hips, but the smile on her mouth also made Liu Feng feel uncomfortable.

"Uh, hehehe...Miss Nangong, I...I'm a little tired, go back and have a rest!" Liu Feng scratched his head in embarrassment and said with an excuse.

Nangong Yao sneered and said, "Is your room over here? Why are you going to the other side!"

"Uh... I... I forgot, I went the wrong way!" After being pointed out by Nangong Yao, Liu Feng suddenly felt himself a bit shorter.

"Brother Liufengliu, I have something to tell you!" Nangong Yao smiled lightly, walked towards Liufeng, and said softly.

Liu Feng leaned back, stepped back two steps, and spread his hands across his chest, "Nangong...Miss Nangong, you...don't be angry, I didn't mean it! I'm innocent! You let me I said it, of course I am telling the truth, I did see the picture of you getting out of the bath!"

"You still say it!" Nangong Yao shouted angrily at Liufeng.

Seeing Nangong Yao's anger, Liu Feng felt that it was the last moment, so he turned around and ran away, "Ah! Help!"

Nangong and they all heard Liufeng's cry for help, and turned their heads to see that they were "chased" by Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao held the soul-chasing sword in her hand, and chased towards Liufeng.

"Liu Feng is so pitiful!" Nan Gongxian said with a smile and crossed his arms.

Nangong He also smiled, and said helplessly, "No way, who made him watch something he shouldn't have seen!"

"However, I really want to see what Yao'er's bathing scene looks like!" Nangong Bo stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

Hearing Nangong Bo's words, Zhan Yun's face immediately turned into a red apple, which couldn't be any redder, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Zhan Yun, what's the matter with you?" Hai Jun looked at Zhan Yun who had changed a little beside him in doubt.

Zhan Yun was stunned, waved his hands incoherently, and explained, "I...I didn't, I didn't see it, I just saw it by accident! I really didn't mean to..."

"Hey, brother Zhan, I just asked what's wrong with you!" Hai Jun said to Zhan Yun incredulously.

Nangong Fei approached Zhan Yun with a wicked smile on his face, and asked curiously, "Zhan Yun, have you ever seen the picture of Yao'er getting out of the bath?"

"Ah? I...I didn't..." Zhan Yun immediately remembered the first time he and Nangong Yao had met, hesitantly and stammered shaking his head and said.

"There must be!" Nangong Lei yelled at him as soon as she heard it, "Zhanyun Zhanyun, tell me, what is the picture of Yao'er getting out of the bath? Is it more beautiful than now?"

"Eh..." Zhan Yun and the others looked at Nangong Lei in astonishment and embarrassment.

"What? Don't you want to know?" Nangong Lei said disdainfully after noticing the eyes of Nangong and them.

(End of this chapter)

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