Chapter 880
"My God, is this my cousin?" Nangong and the others looked at Xiao Guai in astonishment, with their mouths wide open and eyes wide open.

Nangong Yao is perverted enough, but the son they gave birth to is even more perverted and monstrous, which makes people die!

Although they all only thought that Xiaoguai was perverted and monstrous enough, they never expected that Xiaoguai was so perverted.

This is the land king period!It's not an earth teacher, nor a mysterious teacher. It's really unacceptable for them to be kicked away by Xiaoguai so quickly.

"Am I not mistaken? Am I dreaming?" Nangong Wenbin rubbed his eyes vigorously, feeling that he was dreaming.

"Grandpa, let me pinch you!" Nangong Lei excitedly suggested to Nangong Wenbin.

Nangong Lei would never say that it was because she didn't want to hurt herself.

"Okay, pinch it!" Nangong Wenbin also nodded, and asked Nangong Lei to pinch the flesh on her arm, feeling the pain, "It hurts!"

When Nangong Lei heard Nangong Wenbin talk about the pain, she also reassured herself, and reminded, "Grandpa, you are not dreaming, it is real!"

After confirming that this wasn't a dream, Nangong Wenbin couldn't accept it even more. He had the urge to faint. Is this his great-grandson?Not a monster!

The little boy on the stage made everyone look shocked. Those who originally participated in the contest to recruit relatives were sweating profusely. My God, who the hell is this!
How did Nangong Yao give birth to such a monstrous son?

Xiaoguai proudly put her hands on her hips and said, "Hmph, now that you have seen how powerful Xiaoguai is, let me tell you, you are a frog in a well!"

Dugu Yun was even more astonished. Before Nangong Yao created her own swordsmanship, she had such powerful power. Now that she sees her son again, why is their family all perverted?
Even Lan Jinling and the others didn't believe it. They knew Xiaoguai from the first meeting, and they said they watched Xiaoguai grow up, but they didn't expect Xiaoguai to be so powerful, even worse than them Amazing.

Thinking of playing around with Xiaoguai in the past, when he bullied Xiaoguai, cold sweat broke out behind him. Fortunately, they are acquaintances with Xiaoguai, otherwise he would not know how he died.

Xiao Guai pointed at those who were sitting on the ground to heal their wounds with her little finger, and said, "You, you, all of you, stand up, if you want to challenge Xiao Guai, you can come and challenge, as long as you defeat Xiao Guai, mother is yours! Hmph , However, it also depends on whether you have this life!"

"My darling!"

"Who said this can be solved by a kid with one finger?"

"It's simply a perverted evildoer, how can there be such a powerful child!"

"Shock, take a hit! If you defeat the Land King at such a young age, then we won't have to live!"

"Oh, I have been practicing hard for a hundred years, but I never thought that I can't even beat a child! I'll just die!"

"I can't compare, I can't compare, it's too evil, I can't compare with him, otherwise I will be the one who feels inferior!"


Seeing Xiaoguai's monstrous and perverted talent made everyone feel depressed, feel inferior, and have an urge to hit the wall.

It's fine if the mother is perverted, but the son she gave birth to is also perverted, but I don't know if Yuan Hao who suddenly appeared is perverted?If Yuan Hao is also a pervert, then they are a family of perverts.

Nangong Yao immediately laughed triumphantly, "Hahaha, little boy is really amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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