Chapter 881
Yuan Hao proudly put his arms around Nangong Yao's shoulders, and said, "Of course, this is your son and mine! Don't be so perverted, how can you be our son!"

"Poor mouth!" Nangong Yao rolled her eyes, this guy is too narcissistic.

Liu Qingfeng also gave Yuan Hao a disdainful glance, this was born by Yao'er, of course it's a gift, it has nothing to do with you!

"Hmph! Little brat, don't be complacent!"

"Want to challenge so many of us? Impossible!"

"Don't think that you can beat us just because you beat Ximen Hong!"


Three or four figures stood up shaking from the ground, and walked towards Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai glanced at it with contempt, and said, "Oh? Really? Then I will teach you a good lesson and let you know what it means to be one foot tall and one foot tall!"

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Guai was surrounded by four people standing on each side.

Everyone looked at Xiaoguai anxiously, wondering if Xiaoguai could attack four people at the same time.

"Little boy!" Seeing four people besieging Xiaoguai, Nangong Yao cried out worriedly.

Yuan Hao patted Nangong Yao's shoulder with a smile, comforting, "Don't worry, it's fine!"

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly.

The members of the Nangong family all walked to the front of the rostrum, looking at Xiao Guai worriedly and curiously.

I have seen Xiaoguai's genius fighting power just now, but I am still worried that Xiaoguai can deal with these four people alone.

"Is Xiaoguai alright?" Nangong Lei worriedly grabbed Nangong Fei's clothes, and anxiously looked at Xiaoguai's small body.

"It should be fine, don't worry!" Nangong Fei smiled awkwardly and touched his nose. This little boy's talent is abnormal enough. I don't know how much power he has in his body. It should be no problem to deal with these people .

Although he said he wasn't worried, he still couldn't help but worry about whether Xiaoguai would get hurt, after all, he was just a child.

"The Nangong family is no longer something we can stop their footsteps!" A young man outside the ring sighed and looked at the people on the ring.

"Yes, Xu Xiang, I think we people will never see the light of day!"

"An illegitimate child is an illegitimate child, there is no chance! It seems that it is still impossible to find hope for my mother!"

"My mother is dead! However, no one in the family recognizes me. It doesn't matter if I go back or not. Anyway, I don't plan to come out this time. Ling Ya, what about you?"

"Me too!" Ling Ya nodded slightly, and looked up at the five little boys on the ring, "If I have the ability of this kid, maybe I can save everything!"


A group of illegitimate children looked at Xiaoguai enviously, wondering how Xiaoguai would defeat the four in front of them.

If they really got Nangong Yao and a little boy, they wouldn't feel ashamed, wouldn't feel that they were cuckolded, and maybe they still had to rely on the little girl.

Jealousy and envy, I don't know what to do.

Dugu Yun walked under the ring, looked at Xiao Guai on the ring, and now he was looking forward to seeing how amazingly talented Xiao Guai was.

Like a mother, like a son, no matter how talented Xiaoguai is, it is because of Nangong Yao, Nangong Yao, you are my eternal goal of Duguyun, I want to defeat you!

Xiaoguai stretched out his hands, hooked his little finger, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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