Chapter 882
The four of them rushed towards Xiao Guai at the same time.

"Little boy!"

Everyone anxiously called Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai smiled, jumped up in the air and turned over, and fell to the ground again, supporting the ground with one hand.

"Swoosh, swish..." Four rays of light spread from Xiaoguai's feet, divided into four attributes: gold, wood, water, and fire.

Trees and vines appeared on Xiaoguai's east side, flames appeared on the west side, golden light sword blades appeared on the south side, and raindrops fell from the sky on the north side, enclosing these four people in the middle.

Everyone looked at everything in front of them in astonishment.

"No way?"

"Oh my God?"

"Four attributes?"

"how is this possible?"

"Golden wood, water and fire? My mother!"

"Pervert! Monster!"


Seeing that Xiaoguai used four attributes at the same time, everyone was extremely shocked. In this fairy world, at most, someone used two attributes.

Moreover, in this fairy world, there are only three bright attributes at most, but now Xiaoguai appears with four bright attributes, and he uses them so well.

This made the members of the Nangong family drop their jaws in surprise.

They knew that Xiaoguai had four Ming attributes, but they didn't expect that Xiaoguai could use these four attributes at the same time, and he was still so proficient.

This made them really envious and jealous. How could someone be so perverted and evil?

The four people who fought against Xiaoguai were all stunned by the scene in front of them. What's going on?

Why is Xiao Guai able to produce four attributes by himself?And it was done at the same time!This feels impossible, is he really a pervert, is he really a monster?

Before they could think any more, Xiaoguai's attack arrived in front of them.

"Boom boom boom boom!" There was a loud bombing sound from the seats where the four people were located.

"No way! This little boy's talent is too...too perverted?" Xu Xiang stared at the little boy on the ring with wide eyes in astonishment, he couldn't believe it.

"Yue Jun, I... I don't have hallucinations in my eyes, right?" Han Tong asked Qin Yuejun beside him in astonishment, he really couldn't believe it.

"It's not a hallucination, nor is it a dream!" Wei Hua from the same team shook his head and said firmly.

This little boy's talent really surprised them.

What are they cultivating so hard, cultivating so desperately!
But Xiaoguai's talent really surprised them, she is simply a monster, not a normal person.

Xiaoguai opened his hands and panted heavily, but there was still an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although the four attributes I use now are very tiring, but they can't let them look down on them.

This is the arrogance of the strong!

Yuan Hao is very satisfied with Xiaoguai's performance, even here, Xiaoguai is still working hard to grow up.

Perhaps, it was because she wanted to protect her mother, Nangong Yao!
Nangong Yao clasped her hands tightly and looked at Xiaoguai on the ring. Although Xiaoguai had won and was very glorious, as Xiaoguai's mother, she knew Xiaoguai's arrogance. won't show it.

"Yao'er, don't worry, little boy will do what he can, this little guy is much better than you!" Yuan Hao smiled and comforted Nangong Yao.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, but she didn't seem right, she turned her head and stared at Yuan Hao fiercely, "You mean I'm more reckless than Xiaoguai?"

(End of this chapter)

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