Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 918 Entering Beiming Ice City 4

Chapter 918 Entering Beiming Ice City 4
In order to obtain the original spirit grass, Nangong Yao still wanted to ask if there was any in the Treasure Pavilion.

Nangong Yao came to the Treasure Pavilion and asked the shopkeeper, "I want to ask, do you have a kind of spiritual herb called Yuanyuan Lingcao here?"

"Original spirit grass? I haven't heard of this!" The shopkeeper thought for a while and shook his head slightly and said, "I have lived for so long, and I have never heard of this original spirit grass!"

"Is it still not there?" Nangong Yao lowered her head and sighed. Sure enough, there is still not. Is this original spirit grass really extinct?

Nangong Bo and the others could only shake their heads, but they couldn't find the original spirit grass.

Xiaoguai looked up curiously at so many spiritual grass decorations, and held a spiritual grass in her little hand and put it in front of her eyes, "Wow! This looks so delicious!"

The shopkeeper thought about it for a while, but when he looked up, he saw a stalk of grass shaking in Xiaoguai's mouth, and immediately exclaimed, "Ah! Smelly... brat, spit out the fairy leaf grass!"

"Huh?" Xiaoguai turned to look at the shopkeeper suspiciously.

Nangong Bo and the others turned their heads to see Xiaoguai boldly eating spiritual grass.

"Little ancestor, spit it out quickly!" Nangong Bo hurried forward, begging.

Nangong Yao turned her head to look at the spirit grass in Xiaoguai's mouth, she was startled, and shouted, "You prodigal son! How dare you eat fairy leaf grass like this!"

The little girl happily smiled at Nangong Yao, not only did she not realize that she was caught, but she also said braggingly, "Hehehe... Mother, this is delicious!"

The shopkeeper immediately scolded Xiao Guai angrily, "Where did you come from, spit out the fairy grass!"

Xiaoguai gave the shopkeeper a very displeased look, and ran to Nangong Yao's side, "Mother!"

Nangong Yao patted Xiaoguai's head, squatted down, "You brat, you actually eat fairy leaf grass like this!"

Xiaoguai bit the fairy leaf grass in his mouth, swallowed it into his stomach and said, "I'm hungry, after eating, I'm still warm!"

"So this brat is your son! Hurry up and hand over the fairy leaf grass! Half of the fairy leaf grass has been eaten, and you will lose money!" The shopkeeper was dissatisfied immediately, and angrily cursed at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Bo pointed at the shopkeeper and said, "What? Didn't you just eat a blade of grass? How dare you scold me!"

Nan Gongxian said contemptuously, "That's right, it's just a fairy leaf grass, do you think we can't afford it?"

Although Xiaoguai's foodie makes them helpless, but after all, he is one of his own, and he is still a junior.

"Hmph, this is the place of the Beiming family, how dare you act recklessly here!" The shopkeeper cursed angrily, "Who the hell are you!"

"I didn't expect people from the Beiming family to be like this!" Nangong Yao stood up and said coldly, "Beiming Lord likes to be arrogant, even the servants of his Beiming family are like this!"


Before the shopkeeper scolded Nangong Yao, a voice came from outside, "It is said that people in our Beiming family love to bully others! How courageous you are!"

Nangong Yao and the others turned their heads to look at a young man in blue silk and satin behind him, fanning himself.

"Who are you?" Nangong Yao was still sure in her heart that the person in front of her must be from the Beiming family, and she was also a person of considerable status.

"Master, you are here, this wild child actually steals the fairy leaf grass here!" The shopkeeper hurriedly said to the man.

(End of this chapter)

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