Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 919 Entering Beiming Ice City 5

Chapter 919 Entering Beiming Ice City 5
"Hmph, you dare to steal it casually!" The man glared at Nangong Yao angrily, "I don't know where the bastard came from!"

"You are the bastard!" Xiaoguai pointed at the man angrily, "If you have the kind, you can report it!"

"Hmph, I don't even know who this young master is! This young master is Bei Mingshun, the son of the city lord of Bingcheng!" Bei Mingshun raised his head arrogantly and said.

Xu Xiang was taken aback, and quickly introduced in Nangong Yao's ear, "This Beimingshun's status in the Beiming family can be regarded as the front!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, then turned to look at Beimingshun, "Who am I supposed to be! It turns out he is the young master of the Beiming family, no wonder he is so arrogant!"

"Hmph!" Bei Mingshun snorted coldly, "Who are you! How dare you act wildly on my young master's territory! Court death!"

Nangong Yao said contemptuously, "People in the Beiming family are all the same, they are all a bunch of domineering guys, arrogant!"

"Presumptuous!" Bei Mingshun angrily rushed towards Nangong Yao, attacking her.

Nangong Yao backed up and hurriedly fought back.

"Yao'er!" Lan Jinling wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Nangong Yao, "Don't make a move, I can do it!"

"Swoosh..." Nangong Yao and Bei Mingshun both flew outside at the same time.

Seeing them going outside, Xiaoguai and the others hurried outside too, looking anxiously at Nangong Yao.

Bei Mingshun snorted coldly, and said contemptuously, "A mere geologist wants to fight this young master! Wishful thinking!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability to deal with me!" Nangong Yao sneered, said contemptuously, and rushed towards Nangong Yao again.

Nangong Yao opened her hands, and the white crane spread its wings, a white crane appeared in front of her, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and rushed towards Bei Mingshun.

Xiaoguai excitedly patted his little hands, and yelled at Nangong Yao, "Come on, come on! Mother, come on! Mother is great!..."

Xu Xiang, Dugu Yun, and Nangong Xian didn't really see Nangong Yao make a move, so they all looked at Nangong Yao curiously, what happened.

"I don't know how much strength this Nangong Yao has!" Xu Xiang said with his arms folded.

Dugu Yun frowned slightly, based on his understanding of Nangong Yao, her cultivation was definitely beyond what they felt.

A smile appeared on the corner of Nangong Yao's mouth, "Is Bei Mingshun? I'll let you see it today. There are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Yao withdrew her moves and closed her eyes.

Bei Mingshun was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Nangong Yao's actions suspiciously, even Nangong Bo and others were slightly surprised.

Yuan Cheng and the others glanced at each other and smiled slightly. It seemed that Nangong Yao was about to make a move.

Nangong Yao opened her eyes, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Tai Chi circle!" Nangong Yao yelled lightly, and raised her hand, the wrist was glowing with light, forming a black and white Tai Chi circle.

Tai Chi circled and landed on top of Bei Mingshun's head and at his feet.

Nangongxian and the others looked at Nangongyao curiously, and at Bei Mingshun's Tai Chi circles.

"what is this?"

"It seems to be a pattern!"

"What kind of skill is this?"


Nangong Bo and the others asked each other curiously.

Lan Jinling and the others have already seen how powerful the Tai Chi circle is, just to withstand the other party.

Dugu Yun crossed his arms and looked at the Taiji circle in front of him. Could it be that Nangong Yao created this unfamiliar move?
(End of this chapter)

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