Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 920 Entering Beiming Ice City 6

Chapter 920 Entering Beiming Ice City 6
"Hmph, do you want to fight against me with your ability? Dreaming!" Bei Mingshun wanted to kill Nangong Yao, but suddenly found that he couldn't move, "What's going on? Why can't I move?"

Nangong Yao sneered, and said, "As long as you are covered by my Tai Chi circle, you will never be able to move, and will be this lady's sandbag!"

"Demon girl, what kind of sorcery are you using!" Bei Mingshun wanted to resist, but it felt like a bottomless pit.

Nangong Yao smiled, raised her fist, took a look and nodded slightly, and rushed towards Bei Mingshun, "Bang bang!"

Nangong Bo and the others opened their mouths in astonishment and looked at Nangong Yao in disbelief.

Is this a fight?How do you look like you are practicing boxing?

Nangong Yao kept punching Bei Mingshun with both fists, which made everyone's jaws drop, but Bei Mingshun didn't even make a move to fight back.

It wasn't that Bei Mingshun didn't want to fight back, but that he couldn't fight back, he couldn't move at all.

"Touch!" Xu Xiang sat down on the ground, my God, is it necessary to bully people like this?

Nangong Yao excitedly turned her head to Nangong Xian and the others and said, "Everyone come together!"

"Ah? Good!" Hai Jun immediately nodded happily, and beat Bei Mingshun together with Nangong Yao.

In the blink of an eye, everyone surrounded Bei Mingshun, and another group fight started.

"Ah!" Bei Mingshun couldn't fight back at all, covered his head with his hands, squatted on the ground and howled bitterly.

Xiaoguai made a running posture and yelled at Nangong Yao and the others, "Get out of the way!"

"Huh?" Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiaoguai, and hurriedly stepped aside.

Xiaoguai laughed excitedly, clenched his fists with both hands, and rushed towards Bei Mingshun.

"Touch!" Xiaoguai ran in front of Bei Mingshun, with his feet on the ground, rushed into the air, and fell towards the top of Bei Mingshun's head.



Nangong Yao and the others looked at Xiao Guai with their mouths wide open in astonishment, and looked at Bei Mingshun with sympathy.

Bei Mingshun lay on the ground, trembling all over, and on his body stood a small figure with his hands on his hips, with a proud and arrogant expression on his face.

"How is it! My little boy is amazing!" Xiaoguai proudly stepped on Bei Mingshun's head with a cool dress, said.

Everyone gave Xiaoguai a thumbs up and nodded in praise.

"This is really a heavy pendant worthy of the name!" Nangong Bo shook his head and said in admiration.

Nangong Yao waved at Xiaoguai, and shouted, "Xiaoguai, have you had enough fun? We're going home!"

"Oh, it's coming!" Xiaoguai nodded immediately, then lowered her head and threatened fiercely, "You bully mother again!"

Before leaving, Xiaoguai still gave Bei Mingshun a chestnut.

"Poor!" Nan Gongbo and the others shook their heads and looked at Bei Mingshun in sympathy and helplessness. This guy is really pitiful!

Nangong Yao took Xiao Guai's hand and glanced at Bei Mingshun, it seemed that she needed to change her appearance, otherwise, she would be in trouble when the time came.

The shopkeeper saw that Bei Mingshun was beaten by Nangong Yao and the others, and he was incapable of chasing him, after all, even Bei Mingshun was no match.

"Master!" The shopkeeper hurriedly called Bei Mingshun.

Xu Xiang gave Nangong Yao a thumbs up and said, "Nangong, you are really amazing! You are so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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