Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 927 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 4

Chapter 927 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 4
"Mother, are you okay?" Seeing Nangong Yao, Xiaoguai immediately hugged her leg and asked.

"Well, it's okay!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and ordered Wuhen, "Wuhen, you deal with this monster, don't deal with it! Take him in! It's the previous forgiveness!"

"Okay, I got it, it's really long-winded!" Wuhen shook his head helplessly, this master really held a grudge too much.

"Yao'er, did you accept it? Why did you accept it?" Lan Jinling asked Nangong Yao suspiciously.

"How can such a good monster be killed just like that?" Nangong Yao smiled and said, "Let Snow Wolf choose a master at random, and when the time comes, he can run rampant in the fairy world, right?"

"That's right!" Everyone nodded and said.

Nangong Bo said excitedly, "If I can regain the snow wolf, then... then I can run amok in the fairy world? It's so cool!"

Nangong Yao rolled a blank look at Nangong Bo, is this just a little bit of ambition?

"Brother Hai, I'll give you this snow wolf!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

"Ah? Give it to me?" Hai Jun pointed at himself in astonishment and doubt, and looked at Nangong Yao.

"Yes, Brother Hai, you are the head of the Tenglong Legion. With this snow wolf, you can have greater protection, right?" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

"This... this is too precious!" Hai Jun said in disbelief.

"Hai Jun, since that's the case, you can accept it!" Yuan Cheng said with a smile, patting Hai Jun on the shoulder.

"I accepted it alone, it's too..." Hai Jun said hesitantly.

"Okay! Don't worry! Everyone agrees, so don't hesitate anymore!" Nangong Yao waved her hand with a smile and said, turning her head to look at Wuhen playing with Snow Wolf.

"Is this Wuhen okay?" Xu Xiang asked Nangong Yao in disbelief.

"If this sentence is heard by the non-nuclear power, you will be miserable!" Lan Jinling said to Xu Xiang with a smile.

Xu Xiang touched his nose in embarrassment, "Ah..."

"Wuhen, speed up, you can't even deal with this snow wolf, what do you call an overlord!" Nangong Yao looked at Wuhen and couldn't deal with the snow wolf, and looked down on her in displeasure.

"I know, I know, it's true!" Wuhen turned his head and glared at Nangong Yao helplessly.

After all, Wuhen roared to the sky, and his body gradually became huge, reaching a height of three meters.

"Wow! It's so big!"

"It can change the size at will!"

"What kind of monster is this? Super beast? Impossible?"


Nangongxian and the others looked at Wuhen in astonishment, extremely curious in their hearts.

Wuhen lowered his head and threatened Xuelang viciously, "Get down obediently and obey my master's arrangement! Otherwise, hum!"

"You...what kind of monster are you?" Snow Wolf took a step back, feeling Wuhen's aura beyond his imagination.

Wuhen snorted coldly, and said contemptuously, "Just because you want to know my identity, obediently obey the master's arrangement!"

"Damn it!" Snow Wolf cursed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect to meet such a powerful monster. Although he didn't know what level he was, he could still feel that the level of this monster was higher than his own, so he had to be obedient. surrender.

Nangong Yao nodded in satisfaction, and clapped her hands together, "One matter has been resolved, and you have no trace, you can grab it!"

Nangong Xian rolled his eyes, he knew that Wuhen would have come out earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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