Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 928 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 5

Chapter 928 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 5
Nangong Yao lowered her head and asked the snow wolf who surrendered, "Snow wolf, are you sure you surrender?"

"Yes!" Snow Wolf lowered his head and said.

Nangong Yao smiled and nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, yes! Since that's the case, I want to ask you, are you guarding a treasure from heaven and earth?"

"Yes!" Snow Wolf nodded slightly, then turned to look at Wuhen who was threatening him.

Nangong Yao smiled, and hurriedly asked, "Then, what treasure are you guarding?"

"It's Wannian Snow Lotus!" Snow Wolf said with his head lowered.

"What? Thousand-year snow lotus?" Nangong Yao screamed, heartbroken, it was not the original spiritual grass, "Don't you guard the original spiritual grass?"

"Original spiritual grass? What is original spiritual grass?" Snow Wolf raised his head and looked at Nangong Yao suspiciously.

Nangong Yao was very unwilling, why not the original spirit grass?
Snow Wolf shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not the original spirit grass you mentioned, and I haven't heard of the original spirit grass either!"

"Alas..." Everyone could only shake their heads regretfully, looking at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao turned her back to Hai Jun and said, "Brother Hai, you have made a contract!"

"Ah? Okay!" Hai Jun nodded slightly, knowing that Nangong Yao was very depressed now, so he could only make a contract with the snow wolf first, and then went to pick the Wannian snow lotus.

Although what Nangong Yao wants now is the original spirit grass, how could they not want such a good Wannian snow lotus?

Nangong Yao sighed, she still hadn't found the original spirit grass, when will she find it.

Lan Jinling reached out and patted Nangong Yao's shoulder, comforting, "Yao'er, don't worry, we will be able to find the original spirit grass!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and said, "I know that the original spirit grass is hard to find, but I won't give up until I find it!"

Nangong Xian asked Nangong Yao expectantly, "That's good, Yao'er, let's pick the Wannian snow lotus first!"

"Well, since it's here, how can I not want this baby!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly, and said, "Don't want it for nothing!"

Under the guidance of Snow Wolf, Nangong Yao and the others finally found the Wannian Snow Lotus.

Dugu Yun asked Nangong Yao suspiciously, "Then Nangong, where are we going now? Are we still looking for the original spirit grass?"

Nangong Yao shook her head slightly, and said, "Even Snow Wolf doesn't know that there is a source of spiritual grass, I don't think there is such a place!"

Snow Wolf has been here for tens of thousands of years, and must be very familiar with this area. If there is no original spirit grass, it must be gone.

Although it is a pity, Nangong Yao must also accept the fact, since this place does not have it, go to another place.

"Then let's go back!" Nangong Yao could only say regretfully.

Nangongxian smiled and comforted Nangongyao, "Let's look for another place. I heard that the Beiming family has a holy place, all of which belong to icebergs!"

"Really? Well then, let's go to the Beiming family!" Nangong Yao said with hope immediately after hearing this.

"Ah?" Nangong Bo and the others looked at Nangong Yao in astonishment. Could this girl be crazy and go to the Beiming family?

Lan Jinling hurriedly persuaded Nangong Yao with concern, "Yao'er, do you know what you are doing? Going to the Beiming family? Are you going to seek death?"

"Oh, I'm just talking! Don't be so anxious!" Nangong Yao smiled, and quickly comforted Lan Jinling, "I can let Wuhen go in and have a look. I'm so stupid. I didn't say I was going." !"

(End of this chapter)

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