Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 929 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 6

Chapter 929 The Beiming Family’s Calculations 6
Everyone blinked and looked at Nangong Yao.

Wuhen immediately protested, and suddenly shouted aggrieved, "I don't want it, you know how to order me, and let me be a thief, I don't want it!"

"The protest is invalid!" Yuan Cheng and the others shouted at Wuhen, and when the words fell, the corners of everyone's mouths showed a tricky smile.

Nangong Yao looked at Wuhen proudly, and patted Wuhen's head, "Hahaha, look, your protest is useless, just do it obediently! Hehehe!"

"Hmph!" Wuhen turned his head dissatisfied.

Xiaoguai lifted her head and pulled Nangong Yao's clothes, "Mother, go, Xiaoguai, Xiaoguai can do it too!"

"Forget it!" Nangong Yao said with a blank look, "Okay, everyone, go back! Let's discuss the next plan!"

"Yeah!" Yuan Cheng nodded slightly, and said, "We've been here for more than ten days! We should go back, I don't know what's going on outside now!"

"Hahaha, that Bei Mingshun doesn't know what he's doing now, is he looking for us?" Nangong Yao suddenly joked happily.

Thinking of Bei Mingshun's miserable state, everyone laughed out loud.

Bei Mingshun, who had been severely reprimanded by Nangong Yao, was furious in the city lord's mansion.

Bei Mingshun slapped the table fiercely, and angrily accused his subordinates who were kneeling on the ground, "I can't find any of them, what a bunch of trash, trash!"

"Master, we really can't find them, they seem to have disappeared out of thin air!"

"Yeah, even the guards at the city gate didn't see them! They must have never left the city, but we really couldn't find them!"

"Perhaps, they went to the snow mountain!"

"Yeah, they must have come out for the treasure on the snow mountain, and it probably took a while!"

"This guess is unreasonable, why don't we send people to the mountain to look for it?"


Bei Mingshun snorted coldly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, "Snow Mountain? How dare you go to the Snow Mountain to find treasures. There are many monsters on the Snow Mountain. I don't know if they will be eaten by them, hum!"

There are many monsters on the snow mountain, and many of them are divine beasts. They are all arrogant monsters, and they simply obey the driving of people.

Although they don't know who Nangong Yao and the others are, Bei Mingshun will never let them go.

"You send people to watch the entrance of the snow mountain, and if you see them, report immediately, if you hear it!" Bei Mingshun ordered angrily, "Also, no matter how many of them appear, as long as you see them Seeing their figures, one of them cannot be let go! Can you hear me clearly?"

"Yes, Master!"

Bei Mingshun turned around and sat on the chair, and asked, "Have you arranged the order of the young patriarch?"

Several subordinates hurriedly reported respectfully, hoping to make Bei Mingshun happy through this matter, "It has been arranged, and the whole city is guaranteed to discuss the original spirit grass!"

Bei Mingshun nodded slightly, and said, "Well, but, what is this original spirit grass?"

"I don't know, we have investigated a lot, but we haven't investigated it, and it is not even described in the book!"

"Original Spirit Grass!" Bei Mingshun touched his chin, thinking to himself, he also investigated many books but found nothing, what is this thing?Why did Nangong Yao want him so much?Is there really anything special about it?

(End of this chapter)

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