Chapter 937
"Hahaha, why don't you want to? You are the precious son of father and mother!" Yuan Hao squatted down proudly, hugged Xiaoguai and said, "It's not like someone, no one would think about it!"

"Mice, who are you talking about!" Liu Qingfeng angrily patted the table and pointed at Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao hugged Xiaoguai, and said softly, "Does Xiaoguai miss Daddy?"

"Of course Xiaoguai wants to. Mommy is almost bored to death without daddy coming! Xiaoguai is also bored to death! Mother doesn't hug Xiaoguai!" Xiaoguai pouted her little mouth aggrievedly and said.

During this period of time, Lan Jinling was holding Xiaoguai, so Xiaoguai was very wronged.

"Really? Who made you cling to your mother all the time, so fat, your mother is so weak, how can you hug you!" Yuan Hao said very solemnly.

"It's not Xiaoguai's fault!" Xiaoguai pouted her little mouth aggrievedly, and said.

Yuan Hao smiled and said, "You stay here well, Daddy will go find your mother and say something nice to you!"

"Xiaoguai is going too!" Xiaoguai pulled Yuan Hao's clothes and said.

"Stay here obediently, don't let the bad uncle get in, your daddy said good things to you!" Yuan Hao reminded softly in Xiaoguai's ear, "Be obedient!"

Xiaoguai nodded slightly, "Oh, Xiaoguai knows!"

Yuan Hao smiled, and left the hall, Liu Qingfeng saw Yuan Hao leaving, and stood up quickly.

Xiaoguai took Liu Qingfeng's hand and yelled, "Bad uncle, play with Xiaoguai!"

"Okay!" Liu Qingfeng could only nod helplessly.

Yuan Hao came to the room and looked at Nangong Yao lying on the bed with his back to him.

"Yao'er?" Yuan Hao sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Nangong Yao with concern, "I know you're not asleep!"

Nangong Yao sat up and looked at Yuan Hao, "Hao, I'm sorry!"

"Silly girl, why are you sorry!" Yuan Hao smiled, touched Nangong Yao's cheek, and said with concern, "By the way, Yao'er, can you show me the gold bracelet?"

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and stretched out her hand to Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao inspected it and said with a sigh, "Sure enough!"

"Is it true? Hao, what's the matter?" Nangong Yao hurriedly asked Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao was silent for a moment, looked at the gold bracelet on Nangong Yao's wrist, and said comfortingly, "It's okay, don't worry, as long as you get the original spirit grass, you'll be fine!"

"Really?" Nangong Yao lowered her head and touched the gold bracelet, and asked with heartache, "Hao, did I implicate you?"

"No!" Yuan Hao shook his head slightly, put his arms around Nangong Yao's shoulders, and said comfortingly, "Yao'er, as long as it is for you, everything is worth it. With my cultivation base, even if I lose a strand of soul, it's nothing Don't worry, don't worry!"

"Hao, thank you!" Nangong Yao smiled, put her arms around Yuan Hao's waist, and said, "Hao, why do you have two names? What is your real name?"

"Xuanyuan Hao is the name of my soul!" Yuan Hao smiled and said, "I think you should have guessed it too, right?"

"Of course, I'm so smart, how could I not be able to guess?" Nangong Yao puffed her small mouth slightly proudly, and said, "You are the same as Qingfeng, one is Liuqingfeng called Liufeng, and you, definitely not For Yuan Hao’s, Xuanyuan Hao must have removed the word “yuan,” isn’t it?”

"So smart!" Yuan Hao smiled, pinching the tip of Nangong Yao's nose lovingly, feeling very happy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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