Chapter 938
Yuan Hao hugged Nangong Yao's waist and landed on the roof of a house in Beiming's family.

Liu Qingfeng stared at Nangong Yao's hand in jealousy, his eyes seemed to be sprayed with flames.

Nangong Yao looked around curiously, and said, "Where is this original spirit grass?"

"This original spirit grass grows in a cold place, so it should be in an extremely dark place!" Yuan Hao said with a smile, "Let's go over there and have a look!"

"Okay!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and headed to a mountain range with Yuan Haoliu Qingfeng and the others.

"Yao'er, hold me tight!" Yuan Hao turned his head and smiled softly.

Nangong Yao blushed, and puffed her mouth in dissatisfaction and said, "I think you should let go, it's best to take your hand away, I can do it myself!"

"I just won't separate!" Yuan Hao said with a smug smile.

Liu Qingfeng passed between Yuan Hao and Nangong Yao in dissatisfaction, "I want you not to separate!"

Nangong Yao landed on the top of a tree and smiled, "Hahaha, let's go!"

"Liu Qingfeng, you are courting death!" Yuan Hao shouted angrily at Liu Qingfeng, this guy is such a jerk.

"Hey hey, come on!" Liu Qingfeng proudly made faces at Yuan Hao.

"Don't run!" Yuan Hao angrily chased after Liu Qingfeng.

Nangong Yao shook her head helplessly, "Hey, what are you guys going to do, you won't forget it! Just know how to play! Hey, you two, don't be so fast!"

As soon as Nangong Yao finished speaking, a voice came from the mountain, "Who dares to trespass on the holy land of the Beiming family!"

"Ah! We've been discovered!" Nangong Yao said in shock, covering her mouth with both hands.

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng also stopped fighting and returned to Nangong Yao's side.

"I heard that your Beiming family has the original spirit grass, and today we came to you to get the original spirit grass!" Yuan Hao said arrogantly.

"Hmph, how dare you come to our Beiming family to steal sacred objects! Court death!"

"If you don't want to die, just leave here obediently!"

Yuan Hao sneered, no one had dared to threaten him like this before.

Liu Qingfeng took a step forward, moving his hands, "For thousands of years, no one has dared to talk to this deity like this. You are the first! But you are also the last!"

"Crazy, it's okay if they leave it to you?" Yuan Hao smiled and asked Liu Qingfeng.

"Of course, don't worry!" Liu Qingfeng gave Yuan Hao a reassuring look, "They don't have the qualifications to hurt me!"

Yuan Hao glanced at Nangong Yao, and said, "Then we will take advantage of your emptiness to deal with them, and go pick the original spirit grass!"

"En!" Liu Qingfeng nodded, and then split up with Yuan Hao and the others.

The three came to a mountain and looked at the stone gate on the mountainside.

"Boom..." At this time, the stone gate gradually rose, and a dozen figures flew out of the hole, landing in front of Yuan Hao and the others.

The leader is a handsome young man, but with white hair all over his head.

"Who are you, dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​the Beiming family!"

Liu Qingfeng smiled arrogantly, and said, "Just because you are showing off in front of this deity, do you little heavenly emperors want to stop this deity?"

"Madman, I'll leave it to you!" Yuan Hao smiled, put his arms around Nangong Yao and looked at the stone gate that was about to close, "Yao'er, let's go!"

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded, hugging Yuan Hao's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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