Chapter 943
Bei Mingjun was also chasing after Nangong Yao and the others, but he couldn't catch up with them, "Damn, what's going on, how can I run so fast, no, I can't just admit defeat like this!!"

Seeing Yuan Hao and the others quicken their pace, I was almost thrown off by them, so I quickly accelerated my speed, using my fastest speed.

A gleam flashed in Yuan Hao's eyes, this person must never forgive him for treating him like this.

The person wearing the mask was none other than Tao Wenping. In order to prevent Yuan Hao and the others from knowing his appearance, he blocked it.

After getting the original spirit grass, he left immediately.

Now it has been confirmed that Nangong Yao in Yuan Hao's arms should be the reason for those two adults to come down.

It's time to report this matter to my master, Ye Liwen.

Yuan Hao raised his other hand, and a ball of energy light appeared in the palm of his hand, ready to attack Tao Wenping, but he was caught by Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao grabbed Yuan Hao's words, shook her head, and persuaded, "Hao, don't talk about it, if you accidentally hurt the original spirit grass, you will lose everything!"

"Yao'er, this bastard snatched the original spirit grass in front of me and you, even if I can't get it, I can't let others get it!" Yuan Hao stared at Tao Wenping angrily, with a few hints in his deep eyes. Very angry, said.

"Hao, we can't give up any hope yet, this original spirit grass is very useful to you, Hao!" Nangong Yao said anxiously to Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao could only sigh, and glanced at Nangong Yao, he couldn't resist any request from Nangong Yao.

After Tao Wenping flew out of the cave, Yuan Hao and Nangong Yao also flew out.

Seeing Yuan Hao and the others, Liu Qingfeng called out, "Yao'er!"

Nangong Yao hurriedly yelled at Liu Qingfeng, "Qingfeng, hurry up and catch that person, hurry up and help grab the original spirit grass!"

"Original spirit grass?" Liu Qingfeng turned his head to look at Tao Wenping who was wearing a mask, and then looked at the original spirit grass in his hand, frowning slightly.

The original spirit grass in Tao Wenping's hand was seen by the members of the Beiming family, and they all looked at him in astonishment.

"Original Spirit Grass!"

"Bastard, he actually stole the original spirit grass!"

"Is this the legendary source of spiritual grass in the Holy Land?"


Yuan Hao put his arms around Nangong Yao's waist and glanced at the members of the Beiming family. He didn't expect there to be so many people.

"Who the hell are you? Hurry up and give me the original spirit grass!" Nangong Yao yelled at Tao Wenping angrily.

Tao Wenping held the original spirit grass tightly, glanced at the members of the Beiming family, and said, "I have already obtained the original spirit grass, thank you for leading the way, farewell!"

"Don't go!" Nangong Yao yelled, "Hao, hurry up!"

"Okay!" Yuan Hao also wanted to chase Tao Wenping, not for the original spirit grass, but to kill Tao Wenping.

"So fast! Mouse, wait for me!" Liu Qingfeng also followed closely behind, keeping up with Yuan Hao's footsteps, hoping that it would be best for Nangong Yao and the others not to successfully snatch it back.

Bei Mingjun flew out of the cave panting, looking at the black shadows of Yuan Hao and the others flying away, "Damn it!"

He didn't expect Yuan Hao and the others to fly so fast that he couldn't even catch up with them.

Who are they!

Who is that man in black, and why does he want to grab the original spirit grass?Does he also need the original spirit grass?He also knows what the original spirit grass is?
(End of this chapter)

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