Chapter 944
Yuan Hao and the others chased after Tao Wenping, but he didn't expect him to be so fast, did he cheat?Cheating?What kind of aircraft is on it?

"Yao'er, this person is extraordinary!" Yuan Hao said seriously to Nangong Yao in his arms.

"What's unusual, no matter it's normal or not, you have to chase him and get the original spirit grass. Don't let him steal the original spirit grass. This is very important to you!" Nangong Yao said anxiously.

Seeing Nangong Yao's anxious appearance, Yuan Hao could only sigh helplessly. Unexpectedly, Nangong Yao actually cared so much?
Nangong Yao's desperate efforts are all for herself. Speaking of this, how can she not be moved?
"Hey, what are you doing?" Liu Qingfeng came between Yuan Hao and the others and called out.

"Ah!" Nangong Yao and Yuan Hao were taken aback by Liu Qingfeng's cry.

Nangong Yao patted her chest and complained, "What are you doing!"

"What are you two doing?" Liu Qingfeng looked at Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng suspiciously, feeling very unhappy in his heart, looking at each other with affection in his eyes, he was very unhappy and jealous.

Liu Qingfeng raised his head and saw Tao Wenping's leaving figure. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pointed forward and said, "Hey, what are you doing? Are you still chasing him?"

"Ah!" Nangong Yao came back to her senses, turned her head to look at the direction Tao Wenping left, and screamed.

Yuan Hao smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, "Ahahaha, I forgot!"

"What hahaha, I forgot!" Nangong Yao yelled at Yuan Hao angrily, "It's all you, why don't you chase after me! Who am I working so hard for!"

Yuan Hao bent back, spread his hands towards Nangong Yao, and apologized, "Okay, okay, I apologize to you! I didn't do it on purpose! I just... just accidentally...just... "

"Really!" Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Hao angrily, not knowing who she was working so hard for!
It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!

Yuan Hao quickly patted Nangong Yao's shoulder, comforting, "Okay, okay, Yao'er, don't be angry! I'm not in a hurry, why are you in such a hurry? It's okay, don't be angry!"

"Hmph, I won't talk to you anymore!" Nangong Yao gave Yuan Hao a dissatisfied look, and crossed her arms.

Because they have been chasing Tao Wenping all the time, the speed is fast enough, and the people of the Beiming family disappeared halfway through the pursuit. It is estimated that they did not catch up with them, and they forgot which direction they were heading.

"Really, you two, I didn't expect that both of you could be snatched!" Liu Qingfeng shook his head helplessly, put his hand on his forehead, and said with a sigh.

"It's not my fault, who let that bastard threaten me!" Nangong Yao complained dissatisfiedly towards Liu Qingfeng, puffing her small mouth.

"That's right!" Yuan Hao nodded in agreement, "It's definitely not our fault!"

"It's all your fault, who made you so reckless! And..." Nangong Yao turned around very unhappily, and said to Yuan Hao reproachfully, "Besides, the loss of this original spirit grass will have a great impact on you. Affect!"

"Silly girl, I will take care of my own affairs!" Yuan Hao smiled and comforted Nangong Yao, "We have left Beiming's house now, let's go back first!"

"Well, yes, it's best to hurry up, and, Hao, let's find the man in black quickly, and we must get the original spirit grass!" Nangong Diewu nodded slightly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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