Chapter 947
It's not because of the original spirit grass, but because this person has completely insulted Yuan Hao by stealing the original spirit grass.

Xu Xiang looked at the figure of Bei Mingjun who was chasing after him, he could only touch his nose in embarrassment, and sighed, the way back is really unusual.

I always feel that following Nangong Yao, the days to come will be more and more exciting and fun.

Xiaoguai woke up in Nangong Yao's arms, opened her eyes, rubbed her sleepy eyes with her small hands, and called out softly, "Mother!"

"Little darling, you're awake, are you awake?" Nangong Yao's eyes softened a little, and she asked darling.

Xiaoguai immediately nodded, rubbed her head in Nangong Yao's arms and said, "Yes! Mother!"

"Little ghost, the action is too exaggerated!" Seeing Xiaoguai rubbing against Nangong Yao's nipples, Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng suddenly felt a burst of envy and anger.

This stinky boy dared to touch Nangong Yao's restricted area, it was really unforgivable.

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng reached out and grabbed the shoulders of Xiao Guai in Nangong Yao's arms, and with a flick, threw Xiao Guai into Nangong Xian's arms.

Nan Gongxian, who was suddenly thrown into his arms, was shocked, what happened?Why is there an extra baby in my arms?

Xiaoguai raised her small mouth aggrievedly, looked at Nangong Yao, then looked at Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng complainingly, really, she knew how to snatch her mother from Xiaoguai!

Nangong Yao is even more helpless, the jealousy of these two guys is too strong!Isn't it just a hug?
"Mother!" Xiaoguai opened her little hand, and called Nangong Yao in a childish and aggrieved voice.

"Let's go to the side of the sample!" Yuan Hao put his arms around Nangong Yao and waved his hands domineeringly to order.

"It's coming again!" Yuan Cheng and the others shook their heads helplessly. Now they have worked hard to get used to it, and they are really used to it.

Liu Qingfeng glared at Yuan Hao viciously, although the younger one was dealt with, but the old one still came, it was really uneconomical.

Nangong Yao touched her nose and looked at Bei Mingjun behind, hoping that he would come over quickly and knock these two guys out.

Seeing that Nangong Yao and the others didn't stop at all, Bei Mingjun was very angry and accelerated his speed.

However, looking at Nangong Yao and the others, it seemed that their speed changed according to their speed.

This made Bei Mingjun feel even more angry, it felt like Nangong Yao deliberately provoked him and mocked him.

Bastard Nangong Yao, who do you think you are, to look down on me so much? Don't be self-righteous just because you can escape in the Holy Land!
This time, if I don't take you back, I won't be called Beimingjun, hum!

Nangong Yao's flying machine was flying in front, always paying attention to Bei Mingjun's flying speed, as soon as they accelerated, they all accelerated, and Bei Mingjun and their speed lowered, so did they.

Xiaoguai stood at the tail and shouted excitedly at Beimingjun, "Idiot, idiot! Come and catch Xiaoguai, if you can't catch it, you can't catch it! La la la..."

Seeing Xiaoguai's cute behavior, Nangong Bo and the others could only shake their heads helplessly. They are all the same.

"This family, anyway, we have nothing to say to them! Hahaha!" Hai Jun joked to Yuan Cheng beside him with a smile.

"Yes!" Yuan Cheng also nodded in agreement, as expected of a family!Only Yuan Hao can give Nangong Yao happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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