Chapter 948
Because Bei Mingjun was chasing after him, Nangong Yao and the others ate on the aircraft.

In order to be able to rest conveniently, Yuan Hao also took out his flying machine.

"Oh, really, I can't rest here!" Nangong Bo looked at Nangong Bo behind him, and said helplessly.

"That's right!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, then turned to look at Yuan Hao with a smile.

Yuan Hao coughed triumphantly, and said, "In this case, come and try my flying machine!"

Seeing Yuan Hao dragging his hand, everyone saw a boat model on Yuan Hao's palm.

"This is?" Xu Xiang and the others stretched their necks towards Yuan Hao with curious expressions on their faces.

"Is this an aircraft?"

"Is this a flying ship?"


Everyone looked at the model boat in front of them curiously, Nangong Yao touched her chin, she was also very curious about this boat, it would be great if she had one too.

Yuan Hao smiled, handed the boat to Nangong Yao, and said flatteringly, "Come on, I'll give this to you. Here, this boat is pretty good!"

"Well, thank you!" Nangong Yao nodded immediately, but said firmly, "However, I still hope that I can make one myself, and I made it myself! It's more comfortable to use like this!"

She, Nangong Yao, never liked to accept gifts from others, and preferred to do it herself.

"It's true, as long as you like, I can teach you!" Yuan Hao smiled and said with his arms around Nangong Yao's shoulder dotingly.

Nangong Yao nodded immediately, and threw out the boat in her hand. Once the boat reached the sky, it continued to expand.

With a few sounds of "swish", the small boat has transformed into a large boat with a length of more than ten meters.

"Wow!" Xu Xiang and the others were startled by this, their mouths widened and their eyes stared straight.

This is the aircraft?

My God, this is too exaggerated!

I have never seen such an exquisite aircraft before!Refining technology is really superb!

This really made them see the power of the refining world.

In addition to the power of alchemy, the refining tool cannot be ignored!

Seeing the big boat, Xiaoguai immediately jumped and shouted happily, "Ah! Big boat, big boat, Xiaoguai wants to go up! Xiaoguai wants to play!"

"Okay! Let's go up together!" Nangong Yao smiled, hugged Xiaoguai in her arms, looked up at the spaceship, and jumped into the ship, one big and one small.

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng looked at each other and followed closely behind.

"How are we?"

"Of course I want to see it!"

"That's right, with such a good aircraft, why not go in and have a look!"

"You can show off to big brother and others when you go back, hahaha... let's go!"


Immediately after, other people came to the spaceship one after another.

Everyone was amazed, "Wow, this an aircraft? It's amazing!"

"That's right, this is a ship, and it can also be used as an aircraft!"

"It's the first time I've seen a flying ship!"

"It's my first time too!"

"I saw it once, but when I was very young, I saw the Supreme Elder and they flew!"


Thinking about it, this is definitely not something that ordinary people can have. It is already very good for ordinary people to have a simple aircraft, at least they don’t have to be so tired of flying by themselves.

Nangong Yao put the little boy in her arms on the ground, and let the little girl run around excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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