Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 977 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 17

Chapter 977 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 17
Bastard, it's horrible, rat, damn rat!

I have no choice but to investigate by myself. If the mouse does not research it, then he will die.

Accepting Liu Qingfeng's suggestion, Yuan Hao also felt that it was time to research such a defensive weapon, even if he couldn't fight, he could still defend against attacks.

Nangong Yao left the room on a rare occasion and wandered around the street. She originally wanted to call Yuan Hao, but she heard that he had gone out, but she didn't see Liu Qingfeng, and didn't care. Looks like a handsome guy, anyway, there are quite a lot of beauties here, just like Wuhen, let's flirt with beauties!

Ever since he came here, he hadn't seen Wuhen's figure again, and he probably nestled in the arms of some beautiful woman again. However, Nangong Yao could still feel his seat, as long as he could feel the place.

"Wow, it's really lively here!" Nangong Yao came to the teahouse, but saw many women sitting at the table drinking tea and chatting.

Women are like this, they are not as savage as men, even if they participate in competitions, they can still chat with each other vigorously.

Nangong Yao walked in in men's clothes, and she was so handsome, with a hair tie fluttering in the wind, she walked in like a scholar.

"Wow! What a handsome man!"

"That's right! It looks so weak!"

"When people see it, they want to love it!"

"I don't know who he is! There are such handsome men in the world, I really fall in love with him!"


Seeing Nangong Yao pretending to be fanning, with a handsome appearance, many women looked at her with golden eyes.

At this moment, a woman walked up to Nangong Yao, with red stars in her eyes, "Young master, I don't know the little girl Lin Yaqi, don't you know the name of the young master Gao?"

"Dirty breeze!" Nangong Yao smiled and introduced herself.

Lin Yaqi was startled, and said appreciatively, "Liu Qingfeng, this name is really suitable for Mr. Liu! It really lives up to the name!"

"Hehehe, thank you girl, the girl's name is also very good!" Nangong Yao smiled and said with arched hands.

"Hehehe...Young master is really good at talking, and the little girl who provoked her is almost ashamed!" Lin Yaqi covered her mouth with her hand and said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Yaqi's pretentious and coquettish smile, Nangong Yao felt the urge to vomit, and what she said was really nasty.

However, she couldn't show it too much, Nangong Yao could only respond, "It's an honor for me to know the girl, but it seems that the person I was looking for has already left, I'm really sorry, I'm leaving!"

"Hey, young master, please wait a moment!" Lin Yaqi hurriedly stopped Nangong Yao and said, "Young master, it's rare that the two of us are so destined, let's sit down and have a rest and chat!"

"Hey, Yaqi, you are really willing to do anything for the sake of the handsome guy, you have been seduced so quickly!"

"That's right, Yaqi, you have to give us a chance anyway, don't you?"

"It's not good to eat alone!"


Lin Yaqi snorted unhappily, and said contemptuously, "Why didn't you make the first move? Do you want to get something for nothing?"

Nangong Yao was suddenly embarrassed and sweated profusely, right?So quickly aroused the war between women?This is too scary, right?
(End of this chapter)

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