Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 978 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 18

Chapter 978 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 18
Nangong Yao wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, but suddenly there was a girl in a pink dress in front of her, with her hands on her hips and her head looking up at her.

"Uh... girl?" Nangong Yao looked at the girl suspiciously.

The girl turned her head to look around, then looked at Nangong Yao, and immediately introduced herself excitedly, "Young Master Liu, you are the most handsome and handsome guy I have ever seen!"

"Uh...hehehe, thank you for your compliment!" Nangong Yao smiled awkwardly and said, she really wanted to leave here.

However, Nangong Yao also admired Wuhen, the little pervert, for being able to escape from the arms of so many beauties, she really has a certain ability.

Just when Nangong Yao was thinking about Wuhen, Wuhen came out. She really wanted Cao Cao Cao Cao to arrive!
Wuhen followed a woman in a red Confucian skirt down from the second floor of the teahouse, then jumped into the woman's arms and rubbed her arms.

Seeing Nangong Yao, Wuhen stared at him, sensing Nangong Yao's aura, immediately stretched out his tongue and rushed towards Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao gave Wuhen a blank look, and stretched out her hand to slap Wuhen away.

This bastard, now he knows how to please his master, why haven't he seen him in this period of time, so he is hiding among the women!

With a "touch" sound without trace, a piece of dog's shit fell.

"Ah! My Wuhen!" Seeing that Wuhen was being slapped away by Nangong Yao, the woman quickly picked Wuhen up from the ground and comforted her in her arms.

"Wuhen, are you okay?" Looking at the dust on Wuhen's body, he hurriedly checked for any injuries.

The woman stood up and pointed at Nangong Yao angrily, "Who the hell are you to make my Wuhen so miserable!"

Nangong Yao crossed her arms, rolled her eyes at the woman and said contemptuously, "I don't want to see whose stinky beast you are!"

"Who do you think you are? Are you Wuhen's master? Hmph, this lady is Wuhen's master!" The woman said angrily, "Don't think that you are proud of your pretty face. , I don’t think you’re doing well! You’re just showing your face!”

Listening to the woman's words, the corners of Nangong Yao's mouth twitched continuously, this woman really can speak!
Besides, what's wrong with the face I made?Isn't it handsome?Don't they all say that men live by their looks?

The woman's words immediately enraged all the women in the teahouse. Although she said bad things about Nangong Yao and despised Nangong Yao's pretty face, it also insulted the girls in the teahouse who liked Nangong Yao's pretty face.

"Bitch, what are you talking about! Are you insulting us?"

"That's right! Who do you think you are! I don't think you look very good!"

"Relying on my own identity, the power of the family will run amok!"


Nangong Yao really didn't expect that women's anger is so easily aroused!

Someone seems to have forgotten that he is also a woman, right?
Nangong Yao rolled her eyes at the woman, looked at Wuhen in her arms with contempt, and threatened unhappily, "Wuhen, how long will you stay in this woman's arms!"

Wuhen raised his head and glanced at Nangong Yao, shivering all over his body, quickly jumped out of her arms, ran to Nangong Yao's legs, and said coquettishly, "Master, I didn't do it on purpose! I saw you coming, Shall I come to see you?"

(End of this chapter)

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