Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 979 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 19

Chapter 979 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 19
"Touch!" Hearing Wuhen's address, everyone in the teahouse immediately fell to the ground.

What did they hear just now?Owner?How can it be?

In the past few days, Wuhen has become an old Jianghu among these beauties and became their pet. They all thought that Wuhen was ownerless, and originally wanted Wuhen to contract them to become their masters, but Wuhen didn't Yes, I didn't expect that Wuhen already had a master, and it was the handsome young man in front of him, which was beyond their expectation.

Nangong Yao kicked Wuhen away, and yelled at Wuhen contemptuously, "You still remember my master, you can count how many days you haven't come back! You know I'm nestled in a pile of women Li! Do you still regard me as your master?"

Lie on the ground without any grievances, buried his head with his two front paws, secretly depressed in his heart, it was you who didn't call me!And, it's okay, what does it have to do with me!

"Hmph!" Nangong Yao crossed her arms in displeasure, "I really don't know if I'm your master or you are my master! Now you're still uniting with outsiders to deal with your master!"

"Master, you misunderstood!" Wuhen immediately climbed up in front of Nangong Yao, with his front paws lying on Nangong Yao's leg, "Master, there is no Wuhen, Wuhen...Wuhen is just helping the master to spy on the enemy's situation! "

The corners of Nangong Yao's mouth twitched even more, this bastard could still say it, and even said that he was spying on the enemy's situation, how cheeky it is!

"Shameless!" Nangong Yao gritted her teeth and scolded softly, this bastard really can't be bothered, so I can only go back and find Yuan Hao to train him!
However, it would be too embarrassing for Yuan Hao to train his monsters, but there is no way, if his cultivation base is stronger than him.

"Okay, I've stayed in the beauties enough, this time I came out to find you!" Nangong Yao also shamelessly found a reason to leave this dangerous place.

Because, she could already fully feel the eyes of every beautiful woman here who wanted to eat her, she shivered secretly, and her back was covered with cold sweat.

Everyone stared at him with jealous eyes, probably because he was jealous of his Wuhen!

Hearing that Nangong Yao said that she was going back, Wuhen immediately threw herself into Nangong Yao's arms, rubbing against her chest, "Woooooo..."

"Crack!" Nangong Yao stretched out her hand to pat Wuhen's head, and stared at Wuhen threateningly.

Wuhen could only lower his head and bury it under Nangong Yao's armpit in aggrieved manner, he didn't care about anything now, it was still in his master's arms, the master's smell was the best.

Nangong Yao said apologetically to all the beauties in the teahouse, "I'm so sorry, I have found my pet, and I won't bother you any more, I will take my leave first!"

There was only one voice left behind the last sentence, Nangong Yao had disappeared from the tea house.

"Don't go! Young Master! Don't go!" Seeing Nangong Yao running out of the teahouse, all the beauties in the teahouse chased after her, trying to catch Nangongyao.

However, unexpectedly, when she looked up, she saw Nangong Yao flying to the sky without a trace, and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.


"It turns out... so this monster is not an ordinary monster!"

"Who are they?"

Everyone was curious and thought to themselves, who could have such an unusual monster?

(End of this chapter)

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