
Chapter 21 Zhao 1

Chapter 21 Zhao Yi (1)
Zhibo attacked Zhao from Han Weibing

Zhibo attacked Zhao from Han and Wei soldiers, surrounded Jinyang and flooded it, and there were three boards under the city that did not sink.Qie Zai said to Zhi Bo, saying: "The monarchs of Han and Wei will definitely turn against each other." Han and Wei. Today, it is agreed to win Zhao and divide the land into three parts. The city is not without three boards, and frogs are born in mortars and stoves. People and horses eat each other. What is right and wrong?"

Tomorrow, Zhibo will tell the monarchs of Han and Wei, saying: "Qi Zhen said that you will turn against him." The monarchs of Han and Wei said: "When the husband wins Zhao and divides the land into three parts, the city will be pulled out now. Although the three families of the husband are stupid, they will not Abandoning the United States to benefit the future, betraying the covenant of the alliance, and doing things that cannot be done in danger, its potential can be seen. This is Zhao's plan, which makes the king doubt the heart of the two masters, and solves it by attacking Zhao. Now the king listens to the slanderous ministers The words, and leave the friendship between the two masters, I cherish it for the king." He rushed out.Qie Zai called Zhi Bo and said: "Why do you tell the rulers of Han and Wei about your faults?"

Qie Zai knew that he would not listen to what he said, so please envoy Yu Qi, and Zhibo sent him.The kings of Han and Wei turned against each other.

Zhiboshuai Zhao Hanwei and defeated Fan Zhongxing
Zhiboshuai Zhao, Han, and Wei attacked Fan and Zhongxing, and destroyed them.After a few years of rest, people asked for land in Han.Han Kangzi wanted not to join him, but Duan Gui remonstrated, "No. I know that Bo is a man who loves profit and seeks revenge. If he comes to ask for land and does not give it to him, he will add troops to Han. You should give it to him. If you give it to him, you will also go back to him." Ask the land to another country, if the other country does not listen, you must send troops to the village. Then Han can be free from hardships, and wait for the change of the situation." Kangzi said: "Good." Send an envoy to Zhibo, one of the towns of thousands of families.Zhibo said.

He also asked people to ask for land in Wei, and Wei Xuanzi wanted not to give it to him.Zhao Jia remonstrated and said: "He asked for the land from Han, and Han gave it to him; asked the land to Wei, and Wei Fu gave it to him, so that Wei's internal self-improvement, and his external anger will make him know his uncle. However, the wrong army will be in Wei's hands! It is better to give it to him. "Xuanzi said: "No." Because it made people to Zhibo, the city of ten thousand families.Zhibo said.

He also sent people from Zhao to invite the land of Cai and Gaolang, and Zhao Xiangzi Fu gave it to him.Zhibo made an alliance with Han, and Wei generals defeated Zhao.Zhao Xiangzi summoned Zhang Mengtan and told him: "My husband knows that my uncle is a man. His relatives are relatives, but his yin is sparse. He has three envoys to Han and Wei, but the widow will not be with him. He will move his troops and widow. Can I live in peace now? " Zhang Mengtan said: "My husband, Dong Yan, is at ease. He is also a talented minister of the Lord Jian.

It was the king of Yanling who rode his chariot first to Jinyang, and the king followed him.Arrive, go to the city, look at the treasury, look at the warehouse, and call Zhang Meng to talk: "My city is finished, the treasury is enough, the warehouse is solid, what can I do without arrows?" Zhang Meng said: "The minister heard that Dong Zi ruled Jinyang. Also, the walls of the palaces are all made of Dihao thatch, and they are more than ten feet high, and you can use them." So I tried it out, and it was so strong that it could not exceed the strength of the bamboo.The emperor said: "That's enough. How about my lack of copper?" Zhang Mengtan said: "I heard that Dong Zizhi ruled Jinyang, and the palace rooms all use smelted copper as the pillar. If you send it and use it, there will be a surplus of copper. Let it go." The emperor said: "Good." Orders are determined, and precautions are made.The soldiers of the Three Kingdoms took advantage of Jinyang City and fought.It couldn't be pulled out in March, and it was surrounded by the Shu army, and it was irrigated with Jinshui.

For three years after the siege of Jinyang, the city lived in nests, cooking while hanging cauldrons, the wealth and food were almost exhausted, and the soldiers were sick and weak.Xiangzi called Zhang Getan and said: "Food is scarce, the city is exhausted, and the scholars and bureaucrats are sick. I can't defend them. If I want to take the city down, what should I do?" No one is worthy of a wise man'. You explain this plan, don’t repeat it. I please see the kings of Han and Wei." Xiangzi said: "No."

Zhang Mengtan then secretly met the kings of Han and Wei, saying: "I heard that 'the lips will die and the teeth will be cold'. Now I know that the kings of the two countries, Bo Shuai, will attack Zhao. Zhao will die, and the two kings will be the next." Said: "I know it. My husband knows that my uncle is a human being. He is rough and has few relatives. If I know that I have not succeeded in my plan, then disaster will come. What can I do?" The ears of ministers, no one knows." The two kings then discussed with Zhang Meng about the three armies, and dated him; at night, they sent Zhang Meng to Jinyang to talk with Zhang Meng, in order to report to Xiang Zi, and Xiang Zi paid homage to him again.

Zhang mengtan came out because he was facing Zhibo, and met Zhiguo outside the gate.Knowing the past, he saw Zhibo, and said: "The two masters are about to change." The emperor said: "How?" Said: "Otherwise, I have made an agreement with the two lords. I will divide Zhao's land into three parts, and the widow will not deceive you if you are close to me. Son, son, don't say it out of your mouth." Said: "The two masters change their looks and change their minds. They must betray the king. It is better to order them to be killed." Zhibo said: "The army has been in Jinyang for three years. If you want to pull them out and enjoy their benefits, do you have other intentions? No, be careful, don’t say it again.” Zhiguo said, “If you don’t kill him, then you will kiss him.” Zhibo said, “What can I do with you?” Zhiguo said, “Wei Xuanzi’s counselor is Zhao Jia, and Kangzi’s counselor is Duan. According to the rule, it is possible to change the plan of the king, the king will make an agreement with the two kings, and if Zhao is broken, the two sons will be granted one county of ten thousand families. If this is the case, the hearts of the two masters will not change, and the king will get what he wants. Uncle said: "Break Zhao and divide its land into three, and grant the two sons each a county of ten thousand families, and I will get less. I can't." Fu's family went to see him.

Zhang Meng talked and heard about it, and when he came to see Xiangzi, he said: "When I meet a minister who knows too much outside the gate, he thinks that I have a suspicious heart. I go to see my uncle, and I change his surname when I come out. If I don't attack this evening, I will follow." Xiangzi said: "Promise." So Zhang Mengtan met the kings of Han and Wei and said: "In the night," kill the officials guarding the embankment, and break the water to pour Zhibo's army.Zhibo's army rescued the water and caused chaos, Han Weiyi attacked it, and Xiangzi's soldiers invaded his front, defeated Zhibo's army and Qin Zhibo.

Zhibo died, the country was destroyed, the land was divided, laughing at the world, this greed is insatiable.If the husband doesn't hear and know, he will die.The Zhi clan is completely destroyed, but the Fu clan survives.

Zhang Meng talks about strengthening Zhao Zong

Zhang Mengtan not only strengthened Zhao Zong, widely sealed the frontiers, and distributed five hundred, but called the Jianzhi Tu to tell Xiangzi, saying: "In the past, the emperor of the former country's land king said: 'The reason why the five hundred are sent to the world is about Two: The Lord's power can control the ministers, and the ministers without orders can control the master. Therefore, those who are valuable as princes should not be in the position of officials; from the general above, they should not be close to the doctor.' Today, the name of the minister is prominent and the body is respected, and the weight is subject to the public. I would like to donate fame and power to separate myself from the crowd.” Xiangzi said angrily, “Why? I heard that those who assist the master are famous, those who have made great achievements are respected, those who serve the country are powerful, and those who are loyal to themselves will be obeyed by all. The reason why the sage gathers the country and secures the country! What is the reason for the son?" Zhang Mengtan said to each other: "What the king says is the beauty of success; what the minister says is to uphold the way of the country. The minister sees things and hears about the beauty of the world in the past. In the same way, the power of the subject and the master is equal, and the beauty of the ability is not there. The past is not forgotten, and the teacher of the future. If the king is not good, the minister will not be strong enough." There is a sense of sadness.Xiangzi went there.Lying down for three days, people said: "The government of Jinyang, what if the ministers don't send envoys?" The counter said: "Death."

Zhang Mengtan said: "Zuo Sima sees the envoy in the country, secures the country, and does not avoid his death, so that he can be loyal, and the king will do it." The king said: "I will do it." It is promised.Zhang Mengtan was generous in order to gain fame, accepting land and explaining things, in order to get rid of power and respect, and cultivated in the hills of losing relatives.Therefore, it is said: The actions of a sage are the governance of a wise lord.

After three years of farming, Han, Wei, Qi, and Yan took their relatives to seek Zhao. Xiangzi went to see Zhang Mengtan and told him: "In the past, the land where the family was known, the Zhao family has more than ten cities. When you come back, who is the plan of the princes now?" What can I do for it?" Zhang Mengtan said: "The king will bear the sword and the courtiers will control the country, and he will leave his ministers in the temple, and give officials to officials, and the ministers will try to plan." The king said: "Promise." Zhang Mengtan said His wife is Chu, the eldest son is Han, the second son is Wei, and the youngest son is Qi.The four countries were suspicious and plotted defeat.

Sun Yurang of Jin Biyang

The grandson Yurang of Biyang in the Jin Dynasty did not talk about Fan and Zhongxing at the beginning, but he knew his uncle when he left, and he was favored by him.As for Zhishi, who was divided into three Jin Dynasties, Zhao Xiangzi resented Zhibo the most, and used his head as a drinking vessel.Yu Rang fled to the mountains and said, "What a shame! A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman is for a pleasing self. I will avenge the Zhi family."

He changed his name, became a criminal, and entered the palace to paint toilets, intending to stab Xiangzi.When Xiangzi went to the toilet, his heart was agitated, and if he insisted on asking about the paint, he would not give way.He sharpened his sword and said: "I want to avenge Zhibo." The left and right wanted to kill him.Zhao Xiangzi said: "The righteous man is also, I would like to avoid the ear. And knowing that the uncle is dead and has no heirs, and his ministers are trying to avenge him, he is also a sage in the world." He died and explained.

Yu Rang painted his body to be harsh again, cut off his beard and removed his eyebrows, punished himself to change his appearance, and went begging for a beggar, but his wife didn't know him, saying: "It doesn't look like my husband, but its sound is so similar to my husband's." Also." Swallowing charcoal to make it dumb and changing its voice.His friend said: "The way of the son is very difficult and useless. If you say that you have ambition, it is true, but if you say that you are wise, you will not. If you use your talent to do good to Xiangzi, Xiangzi will be close to Xingzi; if you are close, you will be happy." Doing what you want is very easy, but success will be accomplished." Yu Nai smiled and said: "It is for the prophet to repay the later knowledge, for the old ruler to steal the new ruler, and for the righteousness of the ruler and ministers. There is nothing like this. Whatever I say is for this Those who understand the righteousness of the ruler and ministers do not follow the easy way. Moreover, if a husband appoints a hostage to serve others, and seeks to kill him, he is serving the ruler with two hearts. What I call difficult will also shame the future generations and ministers for having two hearts. By."

In Juqingzhi, Xiangzi should go out, and Yurang Fusuo should cross under the bridge.Xiangzi went to the bridge and the horse was startled. Xiangzi said: "This must be yielded." When asked by others, he refused.So Zhao Xiangzi asked Yu Rang face to face and said: "Don't you try to serve the Fan and Zhongxing clans? Zhibo destroyed Fan and Zhongxing clans, but the son didn't want revenge, but instead entrusted Zhibo. Zhibo is dead, so why is Zi alone?" Is it the depth of revenge?" Yu Rang said: "The ministers serve the Fan and Zhongxing clans. Fan and Zhongxing clans treat the ministers with the people, and the ministers and the people repay the people; Nai then sighed and said, "Wow! Yuzi! Yuzi is known as the Boss, and his name has been established. It is enough for the widow to give up the son. The son is his own plan, and the widow will not give up the son." The soldiers surrounded him.Yu Rang said: "I heard that the Ming Lord does not conceal the righteousness of others, and loyal ministers do not love death in order to become famous. The king has given up his ministers before, and the world is all called the king's virtuous. Today's matter, the minister was punished, but I would like to ask for the clothes of the king. And hit him, even if he dies, he doesn't hate him. It's not what he wants, but he dares to spread his heart." So Xiangzi righteously ordered the envoy to hold the clothes and give Yu Rang.Yu Rang drew his sword and leaped three times, calling out to strike the sky and saying: "You can report to Uncle Zhi." Then he fell down on the sword and died.

On the day of his death, the people of Zhao State were all weeping when they heard about it. "

Wei Wenhou used Zhao to attack Zhongshan

Wei Wenhou used Zhao to attack Zhongshan, but Zhao Hou would not allow it.Zhao Li said: "It's too late. Wei attacked Zhongshan and couldn't take it, so Wei will give up, and if he fails, Zhao will be heavy. When Wei pulls Zhongshan, he will not be able to surpass Zhao and have Zhongshan. It is the one who uses troops, and Wei also, who gains land, Zhao Ye. You are not as good as Xu Zhi. Xu Zhi persuaded him greatly, and he will know that it is beneficial to him, so he will quit. You might as well borrow the way and show him that he has no choice."

Qin Han besieged Liang Yanzhao to rescue him
Qin and Han surrounded Liang, Yan and Zhao saved it.Said Shanyang Jun said: "Qin wins the war and wins the Three Kingdoms. Qin must pass Zhou and Han and have Liang; the Three Kingdoms wins Qin, although the power of the Three Kingdoms is not enough to attack Qin, it is enough to pull Zheng. The planner, it is better to construct the Three Kingdoms to attack Qin. "

Belly strike is huge
The abdomen is huge for the room, the master of Jing dare to speak.Said the belly and said: "Why is the house so huge?" The belly hit said: "The minister is in charge of the brigade, the noble is high but the salary is light, and the palace is small but there are not many money. Although the Lord trusts the minister, the people all say: 'If the state has a major event, it must not be attacked. For use.' The huge palace that is being attacked today will be used to win the trust of the people." The lord said: "Good."

Su Qin said that Li Dui

(End of this chapter)

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