
Chapter 22 Zhao 1

Chapter 22 Zhao Yi (2)
Su Qin said that Li Dui said: "Luo Yang rides in a Xuan car Su Qin, his family is poor, his relatives are old, he has no car, a horse, a mulberry wheel, a bag, a bag, a book and a bag; touch the dust, cover the frost and dew, cross the Zhang, the river, enough Re-cocoon, give up every day, build an outer gate, wish to see the front, talk about the world's affairs." Li Dui said: "Sir, you can see me with the words of ghosts, but if you see me with human affairs, Dui knows everything." Su Qin said to each other: "I always see the king with the words of ghosts, not with the words of people." Li Dui saw it.Su Qin said: "It's late today when I come here. At Houguo Gate, I can't get anything from borrowing seats. The boarder is in the field, and there is a big bush next to it. In the middle of the night, the soil stem and the wood stem fight and say: "You are not as good as me. I am the earth." .It made me go back to the earth every time I was hit by a strong wind and rain, bad and depressed.Now you are not the root of the tree, but the branches and ears of the tree.When you are exposed to strong wind and rain, you drift into the Zhang River and the river, and flow eastward to the sea, flooding endlessly. ”The minister secretly thought that the earth stalk would win.Today, the king kills the father of the lord and the clan, and the king's standing in the world is in danger of laying eggs.A king who listens to his ministers will live, and a king who does not listen to his ministers will die. " Li Dui said: "Sir, let's give up, and come back tomorrow to see Dui also." "Su Qin came out.

Li Duishe's people said that Li Dui said: "The minister stealthily observes the king's conversation with Su Gong. He has argued better than the king, and he has learned more than the king. Can the king listen to Su Gong's plan?" Li Dui said: "No." Sheren Said: "You can't, I hope you can plug your ears so that you don't listen to his talk." See you tomorrow, talk all day long and go away.Sheren sent Su Jun off, Su Qin said that Sheren said: "Yesterday I talked rough and you moved, today I am fine but you don't move, why?" Sheren said: "Mr. Yes. I am asking you to stop the ears and listen to the conversation. Although, sir, come back tomorrow, I ask Mr. Zi to use it generously." Tomorrow, I will talk with my palms, and Li Dui will send Su Qin Mingyue Pearl, Heshi's Bi, A sable fur, a hundred yields of gold.Su Qin was able to use it, and went west to Qin.

Zhao conquered the world and attacked Qi
Zhao took over the world and attacked Qi.Su Qin wrote for Qi that Zhao Wang said: "I heard that the ancient sages did not spread their virtues in the sea, and taught obedience and love but spread them to all people. When offering sacrifices, they should not be given to ghosts and gods. The dew falls, and the wind and rain come. Farmers Ascend, the year will be abundant, and the people will be happy, but the virtuous ruler will hate it. Now the power of one step is not inflicted on the Qin State, but the grievances and evils have not been deeply inflicted on Han. The ministers have heard the opinions of the ministers and subordinates, and they are all Before the master said, Qin only loved Zhao and hated Han. The ministers saw things from the perspective of things. How could Qin love Zhao and hate Han? He wanted to destroy Han for two weeks, so he used Han as a bait to speak out first. The world wants its neighbors to hear about it and observe it. Fearing that things will fail, they send out troops to pretend to show Zhao and Wei. Fearing that the world will be shocked, so Wei Han uses two words. Fearing that the world will doubt itself, so they put up a pledge to believe it. Voice Virtue is in Yuguo, but the real attack is empty Korea. The officials peeped at the plan, and discussed Qin's plan, and the plan must be based on the right.

"When the husband talks about the stratagems of scholars, they all say that Han destroyed Sanchuan, Wei destroyed Jin, and that Han was not poor and disasters fell to Zhao. Moreover, things have different potentials and suffer from the same, and there are also potentials that suffer from differences. In the past , the people of Chu attacked for a long time and Zhongshan perished. Today, the south of Yan to Han is about three hundred miles away from the sand dunes, and the border of Julu is three hundred miles away. , then the land and the capital belong to the state, and the soil is seven hundred miles away. Qin used the three armies to sit on Yangtang, and the land went to Handan for twenty miles. And Qin used the three armies to attack the king’s party and endanger its north, then the sentence It is also the king of West Africa. Today’s Lu sentence notes that Changshan is forbidden and guarded, and three hundred miles pass through Tang and Quwu in Yan. In this generation, horses, horses, and horses do not go east, and jade from Kunshan does not come out. These three treasures are not the king’s. Yes. Today, since Yu Qiang Qin conquered Qi, I am afraid that the disaster will be caused by it.

"In the past, the kings of the Five Kingdoms tried to unite and plan to attack Zhao, and participated in the division of Zhao's land. The panyu belonged to the tussah, and the soldiers of the Five Kingdoms will have a day. Han Naixi used Qin to ban Qin, and Qin issued orders to obey. And listen, turn Wen, Zhi, and Gaoping from Wei, and turn Sangong Shiqing from Zhao, this king knows it well.

"My husband Zhao Yizheng handed over Han's affairs, and now he is punishing his crimes. I fear that the king will not dare to do it himself. Now that the king accepts, the world will take the king. Han Weisheji serves the king, and the world will respect the king. However, Han Yi, the king accepts it according to the world; when it comes down to Han Mu, the king accepts it according to the world. It is also familiar with the picture."

Qi attacked Song Fengyang Jun did not want to
Qi attacked Song, Fengyang Jun did not want it.The guest said to Fengyang Lord: "The age of the emperor is high, and the fiefdom is uncertain, so you must be familiar with the map. Qin's greed, Han, Wei Wei, Wei, and Chuzheng, Zhongshan's land is thin, Song crimes are serious, Qi anger is deep. , crippling the chaotic Song Dynasty, setting the body and enshrining, and strengthening Qi with virtue, this is the time of a hundred generations."

The king of Qin called him
The king of Qin said to his son that he said: "In the past, Han served as the central army to attack Qin with the princes. Han and Qin are bordered by a border, and their land cannot be thousands of miles away. It is impossible to turn around. In Japan, Qin and Chu fought in Lantian. Han Churui served as a teacher to assist Qin, and Qin was at a disadvantage in the war. Because he turned to Chu, he did not firmly believe in the alliance, so he just followed. Han Zhi is with me, and his heart is sick. I will attack him, so what?" If you send troops to Han, Han will be afraid, and if you are afraid, you can take it deep without fighting." The king said: "Good." Then he raised troops, one army came to Yingyang, and the other army came to Taihang.

Han feared, so that the king of Yangcheng entered Xie Yuqin, and please follow the example of Shangdang's land to make peace.Order Han Yang to sue Jin, the guardian of the Shangdang, and said: "Qin raised two armies to face Han, and Han cannot have them. Today, the king ordered Han Xingbing and the party above to join the peace with Qin, so that Yang Yan's prefect, and the prefect will follow him." Jin said: " There is a saying, "Knowing how to pull out a bottle is not to lose the vessel." The king has an order, and the ministers and eunuchs, even the king and his sons, can guess. I ask you to guard it to respond to Qin, and if you can't die, you will die." Han Yang tended to repay the king, and the king said: "I have promised to the Marquis Ying, and if I don't agree with him now, I am deceiving him." He sent Feng Ting to replace Jin.

Feng Ting stayed for [-] days, and Yin sent someone to ask Zhao Wang to say: "Han can't guard the party, and he wants to be with Qin. His people don't want to be Qin, but are willing to be Zhao. Today there are seventy cities in the city, and they are willing to worship. What is inside is to the king, only the king can do it." Zhao Wangxi called Pingyuan Lord and told him: "Han can't guard the party, and he wants to be with Qin. His officials and people don't want to be Qin, but all want to be Zhao. Now the envoy of Feng Tingling How about with the widow?" Zhao Bao said to him: "I have heard that the sage is very disastrous for no reason." Wang said: "People cherish my righteousness, what do you mean 'without reason'?" He said to him: "Qin encroached on Han's land , China will never communicate with each other, and it is self-righteous to sit and accept the party. And the reason why Husband and Han are in Zhao is to blame him. Qin is labored by him, and Zhao is benefited by him. Although strong, he cannot benefit from the weak. , and the small and weak can get strong? Is there a reason for the king to take it? Moreover, Qin used cattle and fields to supply food, and all the dead were listed in the upper land. The government was strictly enforced, and it was not possible to fight. " Wang Da said angrily: "I have used millions of people to attack and fight for more than a year, and I have not seen a city. Now I don't need soldiers to win seventy cities. Why not?" Zhao Bao came out.

Wang called Zhao Sheng and Zhao Yu and told them: "Han can't guard Shangdang, but now he guards with his widows. There are seventy cities in the city." It is a great benefit to win the city by sitting down." Then Zhao Sheng was sent to receive the land.

Zhao Shengzhi said: "The king of our city sent an envoy, Chen Sheng, and the prefect had an edict, and the envoy Sheng said: "Please use the capital of [-] households to be the prefect, and a thousand households to be the county magistrate, and all the officials will benefit from the third rank. People who can get together will give their families six pieces of gold.'" Feng Ting sighed and said: "There are three injustices in my place: guarding the land for the Lord and not dying, and giving it to others. The injustice is the same; The Qin, who disobeyed the master's order, is two injustices; selling the master's land to eat it is three injustices." Resigning from the seal and entering Han, he said to the king of Han: "Zhao heard that Han can't guard the party, and now he has sent troops to take it. "

"Han told Qin and said: "Zhao Qibing took Shangdang. "The king of Qin was angry and ordered Gongsun Qi and Wang Yu to meet Zhao Yuchangping with soldiers.

Su Qin was Zhao Wang's envoy to Qin
Su Qin was Zhao Wang's envoy to Qin, but instead, he could not see him for three days.It is said that King Zhao said: "Qin Nai passes through Zhushan Mountain. There are two trees: one is calling for his partner, and the other is crying. When asked why, he said to him: "I am old and old; I am a bitter husband and craftsman. Engraved me with the rules of the Shengmo case.' Yi Gai said: 'This is not what I suffer from, but it is my business; what I suffer from is iron drilled, and it comes out of my wife.' This minister is envoy to Qin, and I haven't seen you for three days, so there is no one who calls your minister an 'iron drill'?"

Gan Mao asked Wei to attack Han Yiyang for Qin

Gan Mao was Qin and Wei to attack Han Yiyang and Zhao to the north.Leng Xiang said to Qiangguo: "It's better to order Zhao Ganmao not to go out, so as to fight with Qi, Han, and Qin Shi: If the king of Qi wants to save Yiyang, he must follow the example of the Hu family in the county; if Han wants to have Yiyang, he must use Lushe and Duan The family bribed Zhao; the king of Qin wanted to win Yiyang, but he didn't love famous treasures. Let's take care of Maoye, and let Gongsun He and Chili disease be taken care of."

Said Pi Xiangguo and said: "Based on the weakness of Zhao, Jianxinjun is based on it, and Mengmeng is involved, so what? It is also meritorious to follow. If Qi does not follow, Jianxinjun knows that obedience is useless. Those who build trust can be safe. Do you hate Qin with no merit? If you can’t hate Qin with no merit, then send troops to help Qin attack Wei; Divide Qi, Qi will perish and Wei will have meritorious service and be good to Qin. Therefore, the two monarchs choose the meritorious service and the inactive one to know?"

skin country

Or Pi Xiangguo said: "Wei killed Lu Liao, and the guards died in Beiyang, and Liang was in danger. The seal of Hejian was uncertain, and Qi was in danger. Wen Xin failed, and the three Jins were doubled, which is a worry. Wei is ashamed today. When Zhao is destroyed, the troubles of Zhao arise again, and Marquis Wen Xin’s worries are great. Qi does not follow, and the hearts of the Three Jins are suspicious. Those who worry about the big ones don’t think about it, and those who are suspicious are urgent for Qin. The construction of Qin and Wei cannot be cut off. Qin and Wei Attack Qi from Chu and Wei, swallow Zhao alone, and both Qi and Zhao will perish."

The king of Zhao granted Mengchang Jun the city of Wu.

The king of Zhao granted Mengchang Jun the city of Wu.Mr. Mengchang chose someone to be an official of Wucheng, and sent him to say: "Don't you say in a bad way: 'Those who borrow cars ride, and those who borrow clothes are punished'?" They all said to each other: "Yes." Mr. Mengchang said: " Wen does not take it. The clothes and carts borrowed by the husband are not relatives and friends, but brothers. The husband’s car of relatives and friends is the clothes of brothers. Wen thinks it is wrong. Today, the king of Zhao does not know that Wen is not good, so he named it Wucheng. May the doctor Going there, don't cut down trees, don't open up houses, Zizi will make Zhao Wang understand and know the text, and be careful, so that he can return with everything."

It is said that Zhao Wang said that the Three Jins merged and Qin was weak

The king of Zhao said: "Three Jins merged and Qin was weak, and the Three Jins separated and Qin was strong. This is known in the world. Qin had Yan and defeated Zhao, Zhao had Zhao and Yan; Liang had Zhao and Zhao, Zhao had Zhao and Attack Liang; when there is Chu, attack Han, and when there is Han, attack Chu. This is clearly seen by the world. However, Shandong cannot change its way, and its soldiers are weak. Weak and unable to unite, it is the knowledge of Chu, and the stupidity of Shandong. ?This is what I worry about for Shandong. The tiger general is the bird, and the bird does not know that the tiger is itself, so they fight each other. If the two strike, they will die from the tiger. Therefore, if the bird knows that the tiger is itself, it will never fight. The ruler of Shandong today does not know that Qin is his own, but still fights with each other, and the two are inferior, and return their country to Qin. Knowing that it is not as far away as a bird. May the king think about it!
"If there is an urgent matter today, Qin Zhi wants to attack Han and Liang, and the east peeps into the Zhou family, but Mei dies. Today, those who attack Chu in the south will hate the great unity of the three Jins. Now attack Chu and rest and return. It has been five years, and the land has been scattered for more than a thousand miles. Now the king of Chu said: "If you come to lift your jade toe and see the widow, you will be a country of brothers with Chu, and it will be the homeland where Chu attacked Han and Liang and rebelled against Chu." The words of the king of Chu and Qin , Angry Han and Liang, if they don’t save themselves, they will enter Qin. There is a conspiracy, so they kill Zhao, use Yan to bait Zhao, and leave the three Jins. Now Wang Meiqin said, but wants to attack Yan; attack Yan, eat not enough But the disaster has come. The king of Chu entered Qin, Qin and Chu became one, and attacked Han from the east. Han had no Chu in the south, no Zhao in the north, and Han did not wait to be attacked. He cut his horses and rabbits and went west. , Qin’s misfortune was moved to Liang. With the strength of Qin, there is the use of Chu and Han. There are Han, Liang, and Chu in the strong Qin, and the wrath of Yan, the severance must be deep, and the country's move. This is what the minister did. The minister said, "Those who have things to do urgently."

"Before the king of Chu entered, the three Jins were close to each other, and they sent sharp troops to garrison Han and the west of Liang. When the king of Chu heard this, he would definitely not enter Qin, and Qin would be angry and attack Chu. This is why Qin's disaster never leaves Chu, and it is convenient for the three. Jin. If the king of Chu enters, Qin will see the great unity of the three Jins and become strong, so he will not come out of the king of Chu, that is to say, there will be more cuts. This means that the disaster of Qin will not leave Chu, and it will benefit the three Jins. I hope the king will be familiar with it." Urgent. Zhao Wang raised his troops to defend South Korea and the west of Liang.Seeing the strength of the three Jin Dynasties, Qin did not come out of the king of Chu, so he begged for more land.

(End of this chapter)

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